True or False? Find Out Can You Tell Real Facts from Made Up Ones

True or False? Find Out Can You Tell Real Facts from Made Up Ones

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy... that's true, all we can do is guess facts about the world around us whether they are true or false. Check how well you can manage these questions to go beyond school curricula.

There's mobile communication on the top of Everest

This is true. Ncell, a Nepalese subsidiary company of Swedish operator TeliaSonera, is responsible for 3G on the top. Its base station is installed at a height of 5200 m and provides signal even on the highest point of the mount.



The left brain hemisphere is responsible for creativity, the right one - for logic.

False. Different segments of the brain in both hemispheres are responsible for these qualities.



Thomas Edison invented the light bulb

False. Thomas bought patents for already invented bulbs and thought up how to prolong their life.



Koala's fingerprints are undistinguishable from human fingerprints even under electron microscope

True. Koala's fingerprints are almost undistinguishable from human fingerprints — one may even confuse them at the crime scene!



Honey never spoils

True. True honey is edible within 3 000 years.



Benjamin Franklin wasn't the President of the United States

True. Confusion appeared because of Benjamin Franklin’s representation on the $100 bill.



Dmitry Mendeleev invented vodka.

False. Statute on Vodka containing the requirements for the production of this beverage was signed in 1819 by Alexander I. Mendeleev was born in 1834.



A unicorn is a national symbol of Scotland

True. A unicorn keeps the shield on the Great Britain's royal arms.



The lighter was invented earlier than matches

False. Whatever they can write, the first lighter was invented by Johann Wolfgang Döbereiner in 1823. Some resemblance of matches was invented in mediaeval China. These were thin splits with ends soaked in sulphur.



Quicksands can devour a human or an animal

False. Quicksands are sand with water. A human will float in them as a cork float, submerging breast-deep at most because of the density of mixture.



A car can be disabled by putting something in its tail pipe

False. It’s experimentally proved that foreign matters fall out from the pipe as soon as the engine starts



The world is huge and wonderful

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There's mobile communication on the top of Everest
1 / 11
The left brain hemisphere is responsible for creativity, the right one - for logic.
2 / 11
Thomas Edison invented the light bulb
3 / 11
Koala's fingerprints are undistinguishable from human fingerprints even under electron microscope
4 / 11
Honey never spoils
5 / 11
Benjamin Franklin wasn't the President of the United States
6 / 11
Dmitry Mendeleev invented vodka.
7 / 11
A unicorn is a national symbol of Scotland
8 / 11
The lighter was invented earlier than matches
9 / 11
Quicksands can devour a human or an animal
10 / 11
A car can be disabled by putting something in its tail pipe
11 / 11

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