Am I In Love With My Best Friend?

Am I In Love With My Best Friend?
Of course, we all love our friends. But could it be that you've fallen in love with your best friend? It often happens that the strongest relationships come from close friendships! There's no reason to make guesses, just answer a couple of questions and find out what you actually think about him!

He suddenly calls you and says that he'll pick you up in 15 minutes. You're going for a cool movie. What will you do?

Ok, I need to make up and dress up. What should I choose?! I can't get ready in 15 minutes!

Hum, alright. I'll manage to get ready to look well

15 minutes? Great. I'll go in my pajamas, he saw me in any states anyway

How often do you look at him?

Often, but when he notices it, I turn away

Oh, I look at him all the time. And when our eyes meet, I wink at him

But why? What I didn't see there?

And what do you think when you're looking at him?

He's so lovely-perfect-handsome!

He could have put the other T-shirt, this one doesn't fit him

This shirt does fit him

Do you have secrets from him?

Secrets? No, of course. Otherwise, he wouldn't be my best friend

Yes, don't want to tell what I feel when I see him

Well, maybe

If you go out together and someone says that you're a beautiful couple, what do you feel?

What do you feel, when he's not there?

I think about him from time to time but try to do something to avoid sinking into these thoughts

I think it would be great if he was there

Not a big deal. I know that we'll meet soon

You decided to meet with your female friends at the cafe but then he calls and asks you out. How are the chances that you'll change your plans?

What do you think about your future?

We can make a good couple

We know too much about each other, we have no other way out except for keep going

And if you were celebrating the wedding, what would it be like?

What do you feel, when you see him after a long separation?

I'm very excited

I'm nervous

I look forward to meeting him

Does it happen that you see him in your dreams?



The strongest relations start with friendship

Yes, this is love

Jeez, it seems someone is fallen in love badly. And did you really doubt? It's time to face the truth - you like everything about him and want to spend all free time with him. He's more than just a friend for you. You look at him for so long that he started to suspect something. Just tell him about your feelings. Surely, you'll make a wonderful couple! Tell your gals about this quiz. Maybe, they also doubt about their relations?

Just affection

Yep, your relationship cannot be called friendship anymore but it's still a far cry from real love. Most likely, it's just affection - you certainly like him, want to spend more time with him and think about a more serious relationship. Who knows, perhaps, one day you'll both feel something more but now you should ask yourself, "Is he the only one?". Tell your gals about this quiz. Maybe, they also doubt about their relations?

Friends forever

You definitely love your best friend, are ready to do anything for him and always help him. But these are signs of a very close friendship, which lasts so long that it doesn't run the risk of turning into something more. Don't worry, you'll find the only one, and fate gives such friends only once and forever, that's why take care of such close and durable relationships. Tell your gals about this quiz. Maybe, they also doubt about their relations?

He suddenly calls you and says that he'll pick you up in 15 minutes. You're going for a cool movie. What will you do?
1 / 11
How often do you look at him?
2 / 11
And what do you think when you're looking at him?
3 / 11
Do you have secrets from him?
4 / 11
If you go out together and someone says that you're a beautiful couple, what do you feel?
5 / 11
What do you feel, when he's not there?
6 / 11
You decided to meet with your female friends at the cafe but then he calls and asks you out. How are the chances that you'll change your plans?
7 / 11
What do you think about your future?
8 / 11
What do you feel, when you see him after a long separation?
9 / 11
Does it happen that you see him in your dreams?
10 / 11
The strongest relations start with friendship
11 / 11

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