Quiz: Are You A Sensing Or An Intuitive Person?

Quiz: Are You A Sensing Or An Intuitive Person?
We're all individual and unique. Nonetheless, there are features, which unite us into psychological types. All people can be divided into sensory and intuitive ones through the method of perception. Answer several questions to find out which type is closer to you.

Choose a picture you like most:

Choose a statement, which is closer to you:

To build a castle, you need to be inspired by your ladylove

To build a castle, you need to know exactly how many workers, sand and stones it takes

Do you take enjoyment in building far plans?

Yes, this opens many opportunities

No, I live right here, right now

Imagine you’re hiking. You see a path nobody came across before. Can you take a risk to take it?



Do you often feel distracted?

Yes, my friends periodically tell me about it

No, everything is accurate and clear

Choose a picture, which fits you best:

If you could move to any epoch, what will you choose?

To dinosaurs

To Victorian England

Only forward, only to the future

Nowhere, I like it today

What do you see in the picture?

Stripes of red color

Stripes of red, scarlet, crimson and other colors

How often do you check your watch?



What do you see in the photo?

A cloud, nothing else

A cloud, and a rabbit, a mouse, a croco on closer view

Choose the most interesting job:





A Sensory Person

Sensory persons have concrete thinking, which allows them to notice details. It can be hard for them to grasp the general sense if nuances escape their attention. To understand what this is about a sensory person needs to see all the details of the situation, from which he builds the general picture. Let's check what results your friends will have. Show them this test and compare results!

An Intuitive Person

Intuitive persons think broadly, they have abstract thinking directed from the general to particular. They quickly grasp the sense, pay little attention to details. To understand what this is about an intuitive person needs to see the bigger picture and he perceives nuances as a consequence of the general idea. Let's check what results your friends will have. Show them this test and compare results!

Choose a picture you like most:
1 / 11
Choose a statement, which is closer to you:
2 / 11
Do you take enjoyment in building far plans?
3 / 11
Imagine you’re hiking. You see a path nobody came across before. Can you take a risk to take it?
4 / 11
Do you often feel distracted?
5 / 11
Choose a picture, which fits you best:
6 / 11
If you could move to any epoch, what will you choose?
7 / 11
What do you see in the picture?
8 / 11
How often do you check your watch?
9 / 11
What do you see in the photo?
10 / 11
Choose the most interesting job:
11 / 11

Calculating results...

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