QUIZ: Am I Ready For Sex?

QUIZ: Am I Ready For Sex?
You have no doubts about his feelings towards you and start thinking about moving your relationship to the next level. But let's find out if you are ready to have sex!

You have been dating…

More than 2 years

About 1 year

A couple of months

You want him..

Be more decisive

Not rush things

Rely on himself in regard to his desires

Alone with your boyfriend you feel comfortable.

Did you discuss contraception with your BF?

The main reason why you started to think about sex:

All your female friends are already deflowered

You love him and he loves you

Your BF presses for intimacy

You're sure your BF loves you because…

He's always honest to you

He always gives your presents

He talks about love all the time

How do you feel about sex before marriage?

If your mom your best friend finds out that you lose your virginity, they...

Will go mad and will be concerned about your reputation

Will be surprised, but then leave you alone

Will understand you because they always trust you

In the past, when you felt that your boyfriend is too insistent on showing his feelings, you...

Asked him to stop

Gave in to him to avoid explanations

Gave in to him to look cool

If you're in trouble, what are the chances that you'll seek for your BF's help on a scale from 1 to 10?

You are ready to have sex

It seems your boyfriend and you have been settled into a trust relationship long ago and you are both ready to take the next step. But you still shouldn't rush things. Discuss it with your mom or best friend. You should be totally confident that sex won't become a mental trauma and make your relationship brighter and stronger. Share this quiz on social media - let's see whether your gals are ready to have sex.

Think again

Your boyfriend and you get to know each other step by step. And your relationship seems quite mature to experience such an event like sex smoothly. But you should think twice - there will be no way back. Probably, you should enjoy what you already have for some time. Share this quiz on social media - let's see whether your gals are ready to have sex.

You aren't ready to have sex

Your boyfriend and you get to know each other step by step, but your relationship doesn't seem so mature to stand such an event like sex smoothly. Enjoy what you already have. Expectation doesn't mean "never", it only means "not yet". Share this quiz on social media - let's see whether your gals are ready to have sex.

You have been dating…
1 / 10
You want him..
2 / 10
Alone with your boyfriend you feel comfortable.
3 / 10
Did you discuss contraception with your BF?
4 / 10
The main reason why you started to think about sex:
5 / 10
You're sure your BF loves you because…
6 / 10
How do you feel about sex before marriage?
7 / 10
If your mom your best friend finds out that you lose your virginity, they...
8 / 10
In the past, when you felt that your boyfriend is too insistent on showing his feelings, you...
9 / 10
If you're in trouble, what are the chances that you'll seek for your BF's help on a scale from 1 to 10?
10 / 10

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