Test: Are You Selfish Lover?

Test: Are You Selfish Lover?

Selfish people always put their interests above others. It's quite hard to establish relations with them because of excessive self-obsession. Are you selfish? Take our quiz and find out.

Assess how much you like flattery and praise

Do you feel guilty in quarrels?

Yes, all the time

If it's my fault, I'll apologize to the partner

No, I'm never guilty

You can't stand disagreement from a man

Can you text a man first?

Of course

If I really take an interest in him

Certainly not

You don't love your partner and just let him love you?


Assess how much do you think you are exceptional and perfect

What gift will make you happy?


Which I've wanted for long

Which costs at least $800

I don’t wait for a man even if he has a reasonable excuse for being late

Assess your ability for empathy (compassion)

Is it important for you to get what you want at whatever the cost?


Do you like caring of someone?

Yes, it could be my vocation

I like caring only of close ones

Let them care of me

If your colleague is given credit and distinguished after success, how do you look?

You don't remember the day of your partner's birthday, but will take offense if he forgets about yours.

Assess your abilities for manipulating a man

Won't you let a man be the man of the family?

I can make way for him

I think both partners are equal

Of course, I won't let it happen

You should learn selfishness

You're an incredibly responsive person and are ready to help the partner while giving up your interests. Caring is great, but doesn't your partner use your kindness? That's why a portion of healthy egoism won't hurt you! Share the quiz result to let your friends check themselves too ;)

Happy middle

You can make a compromise and sometimes give the partner way but you do remember about yourself and your priorities. The main thing is not to run to extremes, and everything will be fine! Share the quiz result to let your friends check themselves too ;)

Perhaps, you should learn to think about your partner

By all appearances, you don't care much about your man's feelings since there's only one value for you - it's you. Loving yourself is great but egoism can result in loneliness, that's why you probably need to learn to understand and appreciate other people. Share the quiz result to let your friends check themselves too ;)

Assess how much you like flattery and praise
1 / 15
Do you feel guilty in quarrels?
2 / 15
You can't stand disagreement from a man
3 / 15
Can you text a man first?
4 / 15
You don't love your partner and just let him love you?
5 / 15
Assess how much do you think you are exceptional and perfect
6 / 15
What gift will make you happy?
7 / 15
I don’t wait for a man even if he has a reasonable excuse for being late
8 / 15
Assess your ability for empathy (compassion)
9 / 15
Is it important for you to get what you want at whatever the cost?
10 / 15
Do you like caring of someone?
11 / 15
If your colleague is given credit and distinguished after success, how do you look?
12 / 15
You don't remember the day of your partner's birthday, but will take offense if he forgets about yours.
13 / 15
Assess your abilities for manipulating a man
14 / 15
Won't you let a man be the man of the family?
15 / 15

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