Do You Have Anger Issues? Take the Anger Management Quiz

Do You Have Anger Issues? Take the Anger Management Quiz

It can be hard to deal with people who hold anger in their hearts, and sometimes even a calm person can fly into a temper. Take our quiz to determine your level of anger.

You usually try to find a way to make peace if there's a quarrel with close ones or colleagues at work or do you give them this right?

I show the initiative

It depends on a person I fall out with and why

I never take the first step to make peace

In difficult situations, you usually try to keep cool, focus on solving the problem

Your colleagues at work have the impression that you…

A kind and outgoing person

Self-sufficient and unpredictable

Calm and unsociable

How will you react if the boss decides to promote you but the position is very demanding?

You notice that some of your close ones were going through your stuff. Your reaction?

You'll ask what she/he tried to find

So, what? Perhaps, they needed something right then, that's why they didn't manage to warn and ask my permission

This will drive you wild and everything will end with a scandal

How do you react when you fail?

You usually point fingers and are angry at them because of the failure

You're upset but put up with what happened since it can't be fixed

You take measures to avoid similar mistakes next time

You go to a movie with intense cruelty scenes. Your feelings?

You are late for an important meeting because you get stuck in traffic… Will you apologize when you get there?



You don't like the waiter's service at the restaurant at all. What will you do?

I'll call the manager

I'll ask the complaint book

I'll keep silent

Anger is your second name

What can we say, you aren't the "devil incarnate" but quite an aggressive and fly-away person. Besides, you can be extremely tough and cruel. You're ready to sacrifice your relations, family and everything at all to meet your goal. "Stepping on people's toes" is about you. You're intolerable to someone else's mistakes believing that the stick approach is more effective than the carrot one and especially their mix. You should pay attention to how often you blow up, maybe, it'll help to control your excessive emotionality a little. Share this quiz on social media - let's see how often your friends are angry.

The average level of anger

Of course, you aren't the "devil incarnate" but quite an aggressive and fly-away person. You're often intolerable to someone else's mistakes believing that the stick approach is more effective than the carrot one. You should pay attention to how often you blow up, maybe, it'll help to control your excessive emotionality a little. Share this quiz on social media - let's see how often your friends are angry.

You rarely feel anger

It's hard to hurt you. You don't like playing on the small-stake tables and understand when it's better to keep silent. The level of your aggression is low, but this means that sometimes you cannot stand up for yourself trying to avoid escalation. Keep going but don't forget about your needs and borders. Share this quiz on social media - let's see how often your friends are angry.

You usually try to find a way to make peace if there's a quarrel with close ones or colleagues at work or do you give them this right?
1 / 9
In difficult situations, you usually try to keep cool, focus on solving the problem
2 / 9
Your colleagues at work have the impression that you…
3 / 9
How will you react if the boss decides to promote you but the position is very demanding?
4 / 9
You notice that some of your close ones were going through your stuff. Your reaction?
5 / 9
How do you react when you fail?
6 / 9
You go to a movie with intense cruelty scenes. Your feelings?
7 / 9
You are late for an important meeting because you get stuck in traffic… Will you apologize when you get there?
8 / 9
You don't like the waiter's service at the restaurant at all. What will you do?
9 / 9

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