Welcome to the Big Hero 6 quiz! This animated movie, based on a Marvel comic book series, follows the adventures of a young robotics prodigy named Hiro Hamada and his lovable robot companion, Baymax. Together with a team of friends, they form a superhero group to save their city from a dangerous villain. Test your knowledge of this heartwarming and action-packed film with our quiz!
What is the name of the city where Big Hero 6 takes place?
San Francisco
New York
Los Angeles
What is the name of the healthcare robot that Hiro's brother Tadashi created?
What is the name of the villain in Big Hero 6?
Dr. Doom
The Joker
What is the name of the team that Hiro and his friends form?
The Avengers
The Incredibles
Big Hero 6
The X-Men
What is the name of the school that Hiro and his friends attend?
San Fransokyo Institute of Technology
Harvard University
Oxford University
Stanford University
What is the name of the group of criminals that Hiro and his friends encounter?
The Yakuza
The Triads
The Kabuki Mask Gang
The Mafia
What is the name of the superhero that Fred idolizes?
Iron Man
Captain America
The Silver Samurai
What is the name of the device that Hiro creates to control Baymax?
What is the name of the aunt who takes care of Hiro and his brother?
Aunt May
Aunt Cass
Aunt Jemima
Auntie Anne
What is the name of the scientist who created the technology that Hiro uses to create his inventions?
Dr. Strange
Dr. Light
Dr. Callaghan
Dr. Octopus
What is the name of the robot that Baymax fights in the climax of the movie?
Yokai's Bot
Kabuki Bot
What is the name of the song that plays during the end credits of Big Hero 6?
Let It Go
Hakuna Matata
Circle of Life
Very impressive!
Congratulations on passing the Big Hero 6 quiz! Your knowledge of the movie is impressive and we are proud of your achievement. Keep up the good work!
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It's okay if you didn't do as well as you hoped on this quiz. It's important to remember that everyone has room for improvement and it's a great opportunity to learn something new. Take some time to study the material and try again. With practice and dedication, you'll be able to do better next time. Don't give up!