Are You a True Dolphin Devotee? Take This Quiz and Find Out!

Are You a True Dolphin Devotee? Take This Quiz and Find Out!

Welcome to the dolphin quiz! Dolphins are intelligent, social marine mammals known for their playful and curious behavior. They are found in oceans and rivers around the world and are known for their distinct physical features, including their streamlined bodies, beak-like snouts, and dorsal fins.

These highly social animals are also known for their complex vocalizations and communication skills. With their fascinating behaviors and adaptations to life in the water, dolphins are a favorite of many animal lovers and marine enthusiasts. Test your knowledge and discover more about these amazing creatures with our dolphin quiz.

What is the average lifespan of a bottlenose dolphin in the wild?

20-30 years

40-50 years

60-70 years

80-90 years

What is the maximum speed that a dolphin can swim in the wild?

20 mph

30 mph

40 mph

50 mph

What is the collective noun for a group of dolphins?





How do dolphins communicate with each other?

Through vocalizations and body language

Through scent markings

Through visual displays

Through taste sensations

What is the name of the special organ in a dolphin's head that helps them to navigate and locate prey?

Echolocation gland

Sonar receptor


Echo chamber

What is the scientific name for the common bottlenose dolphin?

Delphinus delphis

Tursiops truncatus

Stenella coeruleoalba

Grampus griseus

Which of the following statements about dolphin sleep is true?

Dolphins sleep with one eye closed and one eye open

Dolphins do not sleep at all

Dolphins sleep for up to 12 hours a day

Dolphins sleep while swimming upside down

What do dolphins primarily eat?

Fish and squid

Seaweed and algae

Plankton and krill

Seals and sea lions

What is the name of the dangerous practice in some parts of the world where dolphins are hunted and killed for their meat and other products?

Dolphin watching

Dolphin fishing

Dolphin culling

Dolphin conservation

What is the largest species of dolphin?

Common bottlenose dolphin

Risso's dolphin

Orca (killer whale)

Pacific white-sided dolphin

What is the name of the famous television show featuring a dolphin named Flipper?


Mr. Ed

Rin Tin Tin


Which of the following is NOT a threat to dolphin populations in the wild?


Climate change

Habitat loss


What is the name of the rare species of freshwater dolphin found in the Amazon River?

Irrawaddy dolphin

Ganges river dolphin

Baiji dolphin

Pink river dolphin

How many teeth does a typical dolphin have?





Very impressive!

Congratulations on acing the Dolphins quiz! Your outstanding score shows that you have a great understanding of these intelligent and social marine mammals. Dolphins are known for their playful nature, complex communication skills, and impressive swimming abilities, and it's clear that you've taken the time to learn about their unique traits and behaviors. Keep up the excellent work, and continue to explore the fascinating world of dolphins. Well done on your achievement, and keep on learning more about these remarkable creatures of the sea!

There is still room for improvement!

It's okay if you didn't do as well as you hoped on this quiz. It's important to remember that everyone has room for improvement and it's a great opportunity to learn something new.  Take some time to study the material and try again. With practice and dedication, you'll be able to do better next time. Don't give up!

What is the average lifespan of a bottlenose dolphin in the wild?
1 / 14
What is the maximum speed that a dolphin can swim in the wild?
2 / 14
What is the collective noun for a group of dolphins?
3 / 14
How do dolphins communicate with each other?
4 / 14
What is the name of the special organ in a dolphin's head that helps them to navigate and locate prey?
5 / 14
What is the scientific name for the common bottlenose dolphin?
6 / 14
Which of the following statements about dolphin sleep is true?
7 / 14
What do dolphins primarily eat?
8 / 14
What is the name of the dangerous practice in some parts of the world where dolphins are hunted and killed for their meat and other products?
9 / 14
What is the largest species of dolphin?
10 / 14
What is the name of the famous television show featuring a dolphin named Flipper?
11 / 14
Which of the following is NOT a threat to dolphin populations in the wild?
12 / 14
What is the name of the rare species of freshwater dolphin found in the Amazon River?
13 / 14
How many teeth does a typical dolphin have?
14 / 14

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