Are You a True Huck Finn Fan? Take This Quiz and Find Out!

Are You a True Huck Finn Fan? Take This Quiz and Find Out!

Welcome to the quiz about one of the most iconic American novels of all time, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain. This novel has been a staple in American literature for over a century and has been praised for its humor, social commentary, and unforgettable characters.

Test your knowledge of this classic novel and see how well you remember the adventures of Huck and Jim on the Mississippi River.

What is the name of Huck's best friend?

Tom Sawyer


Becky Thatcher

Joe Harper

What is the name of the river that Huck and Jim travel on?

Mississippi River

Missouri River

Ohio River

Colorado River

Who is the main antagonist in the novel?

Tom Sawyer

Huck's father

The Duke and The King

The Widow Douglas

What is the name of the town where Huck and Jim first meet?



St. Petersburg

New Orleans

What is the name of the family that Huck stays with while he is pretending to be a girl?

The Grangerfords

The Wilks

The Phelps

The Shepherdsons

What is the name of the slave who helps Huck and Jim on their journey?





What is the name of the con artist who pretends to be the long-lost brother of Peter Wilks?

The Duke

The King

Pap Finn

Judge Thatcher

What is the name of the woman who takes care of Huck and tries to civilize him?

Miss Watson

Aunt Polly

Widow Douglas

Mary Jane Wilks

What is the name of the town where Huck and Jim are almost caught by a posse?


St. Louis


New Orleans

What is the name of the man who helps Huck and Jim escape from the Duke and the King?

Silas Phelps

Tom Sawyer

Huck's father

The Widow Douglas

What is the name of the town where Huck and Jim are finally reunited?


St. Petersburg

New Orleans


What is the name of the character who is killed in a feud between two families?



Buck Grangerford

Tom Sawyer

What is the name of the character who is revealed to be a fraud and a liar at the end of the novel?

The Duke

The King

Tom Sawyer

Huck's father

Very impressive!

Congratulations on passing the quiz about The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain! Your hard work and dedication have paid off, and you should be proud of your achievement. Keep up the great work!

There is still room for improvement!

It's okay if you didn't do as well as you hoped on this quiz. It's important to remember that everyone has room for improvement and it's a great opportunity to learn something new.  Take some time to study the material and try again. With practice and dedication, you'll be able to do better next time. Don't give up!

What is the name of Huck's best friend?
1 / 13
What is the name of the river that Huck and Jim travel on?
2 / 13
Who is the main antagonist in the novel?
3 / 13
What is the name of the town where Huck and Jim first meet?
4 / 13
What is the name of the family that Huck stays with while he is pretending to be a girl?
5 / 13
What is the name of the slave who helps Huck and Jim on their journey?
6 / 13
What is the name of the con artist who pretends to be the long-lost brother of Peter Wilks?
7 / 13
What is the name of the woman who takes care of Huck and tries to civilize him?
8 / 13
What is the name of the town where Huck and Jim are almost caught by a posse?
9 / 13
What is the name of the man who helps Huck and Jim escape from the Duke and the King?
10 / 13
What is the name of the town where Huck and Jim are finally reunited?
11 / 13
What is the name of the character who is killed in a feud between two families?
12 / 13
What is the name of the character who is revealed to be a fraud and a liar at the end of the novel?
13 / 13

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