Are You Brave Enough to Take on This Mind-Blowing Quiz About Aldous Huxley's Masterpiece, Brave New World?

Are You Brave Enough to Take on This Mind-Blowing Quiz About Aldous Huxley's Masterpiece, Brave New World?

Welcome to the Brave New World quiz! Aldous Huxley's dystopian novel, published in 1932, depicts a future society where people are genetically engineered, conditioned, and drugged to maintain social stability and conformity.

This quiz will test your knowledge of the novel's characters, themes, and plot. Are you ready to explore the world of soma, hypnopaedia, and the Savage Reservation? Let's begin!

What is the name of the protagonist in Brave New World?




Mustapha Mond

What is the name of the drug that is used to control the citizens in Brave New World?





What is the name of the caste system in Brave New World?

Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon

Rich, Middle Class, Poor

Blue Collar, White Collar, No Collar

Upper Class, Middle Class, Lower Class

What is the name of the reservation that John comes from?


New Mexico



What is the name of the woman that John falls in love with?





What is the name of the Director of Hatcheries and Conditioning?

Mustapha Mond

Henry Foster


The Savage

What is the name of the process used to create new citizens in Brave New World?



Bokanovsky's Process

Genetic Engineering

What is the name of the island where exiled citizens are sent in Brave New World?




Falkland Islands

What is the name of the character who is considered a misfit in Brave New World?




Mustapha Mond

What is the name of the character who is considered the perfect citizen in Brave New World?





What is the name of the character who is a friend of Bernard in Brave New World?



Mustapha Mond


What is the name of the character who is the Controller of Western Europe in Brave New World?

Mustapha Mond

Henry Foster


The Savage

What is the name of the character who is the father of John in Brave New World?

The Director

Mustapha Mond



Very impressive!

Congratulations on passing the quiz about Brave New World by Aldous Huxley! Your dedication and hard work have paid off, and you should be proud of your achievement. Keep up the great work!

There is still room for improvement!

It's okay if you didn't do as well as you hoped on this quiz. It's important to remember that everyone has room for improvement and it's a great opportunity to learn something new.  Take some time to study the material and try again. With practice and dedication, you'll be able to do better next time. Don't give up!

What is the name of the protagonist in Brave New World?
1 / 13
What is the name of the drug that is used to control the citizens in Brave New World?
2 / 13
What is the name of the caste system in Brave New World?
3 / 13
What is the name of the reservation that John comes from?
4 / 13
What is the name of the woman that John falls in love with?
5 / 13
What is the name of the Director of Hatcheries and Conditioning?
6 / 13
What is the name of the process used to create new citizens in Brave New World?
7 / 13
What is the name of the island where exiled citizens are sent in Brave New World?
8 / 13
What is the name of the character who is considered a misfit in Brave New World?
9 / 13
What is the name of the character who is considered the perfect citizen in Brave New World?
10 / 13
What is the name of the character who is a friend of Bernard in Brave New World?
11 / 13
What is the name of the character who is the Controller of Western Europe in Brave New World?
12 / 13
What is the name of the character who is the father of John in Brave New World?
13 / 13

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