Are You Guilty of Not Knowing The Trial by Franz Kafka? Take This Quiz to Find Out!

Are You Guilty of Not Knowing The Trial by Franz Kafka? Take This Quiz to Find Out!

Welcome to the quiz about Franz Kafka's masterpiece, The Trial. This novel is a haunting exploration of the absurdity and injustice of the legal system, and has captivated readers for generations.

Test your knowledge of this classic work with our quiz, and see how much you really know about the enigmatic protagonist, Josef K., and his surreal journey through the labyrinthine world of the courts. Good luck!

What is the name of the protagonist in The Trial?

Josef K.

Franz S.

Max H.

Hans G.

What is Josef K. accused of?





Who is the first person Josef K. consults for legal advice?

His boss

His neighbor

His uncle

His friend

What is the name of the painter who befriends Josef K.?



Van Gogh


What is the name of the lawyer who represents Josef K.?





What is the name of the court where Josef K.'s trial takes place?

The High Court

The Supreme Court

The District Court

The Federal Court

Who is the woman Josef K. has an affair with?





What is the name of the prison where Josef K. is held?

The Tower

The Castle

The Fortress

The Dungeon

What is the name of the priest who visits Josef K. in prison?

Father Brown

Father Smith

Father Kafka

Father Leni

What is the name of the organization that seems to be behind Josef K.'s trial?

The Court

The Society

The Brotherhood

The Order

What is the name of the landlady who accuses Josef K. of inappropriate behavior?

Mrs. Grubach

Mrs. Smith

Mrs. Johnson

Mrs. Brown

What is the name of the bank where Josef K. works?

The First Bank

The Second Bank

The Third Bank

The Fourth Bank

What is the final fate of Josef K.?

He is acquitted

He is sentenced to death

He escapes from prison

It is left ambiguous

Very impressive!

Congratulations on passing the quiz about The Trial by Franz Kafka! Your dedication and hard work have paid off, and you should be proud of your achievement. Keep up the good work and continue to explore the fascinating world of literature. Well done!

There is still room for improvement!

It's okay if you didn't do as well as you hoped on this quiz. It's important to remember that everyone has room for improvement and it's a great opportunity to learn something new.  Take some time to study the material and try again. With practice and dedication, you'll be able to do better next time. Don't give up!

What is the name of the protagonist in The Trial?
1 / 13
What is Josef K. accused of?
2 / 13
Who is the first person Josef K. consults for legal advice?
3 / 13
What is the name of the painter who befriends Josef K.?
4 / 13
What is the name of the lawyer who represents Josef K.?
5 / 13
What is the name of the court where Josef K.'s trial takes place?
6 / 13
Who is the woman Josef K. has an affair with?
7 / 13
What is the name of the prison where Josef K. is held?
8 / 13
What is the name of the priest who visits Josef K. in prison?
9 / 13
What is the name of the organization that seems to be behind Josef K.'s trial?
10 / 13
What is the name of the landlady who accuses Josef K. of inappropriate behavior?
11 / 13
What is the name of the bank where Josef K. works?
12 / 13
What is the final fate of Josef K.?
13 / 13

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