Are you ready to fall in love? Take this High School Debut quiz and prove your knowledge of Yoh and Haruna's romantic journey!

Are you ready to fall in love? Take this High School Debut quiz and prove your knowledge of Yoh and Haruna's romantic journey!

Welcome to the High School Debut manga quiz! High School Debut is a Japanese manga series that follows the story of a high school girl who enlists the help of a popular boy to teach her

Who is the protagonist of the manga High School Debut?

Yoh Komiyama

Haruna Nagashima


Fumiya Tamura

What is Haruna's goal in High School Debut?

To become the school president

To become the most popular girl in school

To find a boyfriend

To become a professional athlete

Who is Yoh's ex-girlfriend in High School Debut?

Asami Komiyama

Yui Asaoka

Mami Takahashi

Rui Yoshizawa

What is the name of the popular boy in Haruna's class who often causes trouble for her in High School Debut?

Fumiya Tamura

Yoh Komiyama

Yui Asaoka

Fumi Hasegawa

What sport does Yoh play in High School Debut?





What is the name of the boy who becomes Haruna's friend and helps her with her love life in High School Debut?

Fumiya Tamura

Yoh Komiyama

Yui Asaoka

Yuiji Hino

What is the name of the guy who Haruna initially falls for in High School Debut?

Yoh Komiyama


Fumiya Tamura

Rui Yoshizawa

In High School Debut, what does Haruna make Yoh do in order to become her coach?

Be her personal shopper

Be her servant for a month

Help her with her homework

Help her find a boyfriend

What is the name of the girl who Yoh starts to develop feelings for in High School Debut?

Asami Komiyama

Yui Asaoka

Mami Takahashi

Rui Yoshizawa

In High School Debut, where does Haruna work part-time?

A fast-food restaurant

A convenience store

A department store

A movie theater

What is the name of the school festival in High School Debut where Haruna and Yoh first kiss?

Cultural Festival

Sports Festival

Music Festival

Fireworks Festival

What is the name of the boy who is secretly in love with Haruna in High School Debut?


Fumi Hasegawa

Yoh Komiyama

Fumiya Tamura

What is the name of Yoh's childhood friend who comes back into his life in High School Debut?

Asami Komiyama

Yui Asaoka

Asami Yoshida

Mami Takahashi

What is the name of the event where Haruna and Yoh share their first dance in High School Debut?


School Dance

Homecoming Dance

Graduation Dance

Very impressive!

Well done on the High School Debut manga quiz! Your impressive score showcases your knowledge and appreciation for this sweet and heartwarming romance series.  

There is still room for improvement!

It's okay if you didn't do as well as you hoped on this quiz. It's important to remember that everyone has room for improvement and it's a great opportunity to learn something new.  Take some time to study the material and try again. With practice and dedication, you'll be able to do better next time. Don't give up!

Who is the protagonist of the manga High School Debut?
1 / 14
What is Haruna's goal in High School Debut?
2 / 14
Who is Yoh's ex-girlfriend in High School Debut?
3 / 14
What is the name of the popular boy in Haruna's class who often causes trouble for her in High School Debut?
4 / 14
What sport does Yoh play in High School Debut?
5 / 14
What is the name of the boy who becomes Haruna's friend and helps her with her love life in High School Debut?
6 / 14
What is the name of the guy who Haruna initially falls for in High School Debut?
7 / 14
In High School Debut, what does Haruna make Yoh do in order to become her coach?
8 / 14
What is the name of the girl who Yoh starts to develop feelings for in High School Debut?
9 / 14
In High School Debut, where does Haruna work part-time?
10 / 14
What is the name of the school festival in High School Debut where Haruna and Yoh first kiss?
11 / 14
What is the name of the boy who is secretly in love with Haruna in High School Debut?
12 / 14
What is the name of Yoh's childhood friend who comes back into his life in High School Debut?
13 / 14
What is the name of the event where Haruna and Yoh share their first dance in High School Debut?
14 / 14

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