Welcome to the Attack on Titan quiz, where you can test your knowledge of one of the most intense anime series of all time. Attack on Titan takes place in a world where humanity lives in fear of giant humanoid creatures known as Titans, who devour humans without reason.
The story follows Eren Yeager and his friends as they join the military to fight against the Titans and uncover the mysteries surrounding their existence. With heart-pounding action, stunning animation, and a gripping storyline, Attack on Titan has become a fan favorite around the world.
Whether you're a Scout Regiment veteran or a new recruit, this quiz will put your Attack on Titan knowledge to the test. So gear up and let's see how well you know this unforgettable anime!
What is the name of the protagonist of Attack on Titan?
Mikasa Ackerman
Levi Ackerman
Eren Yeager
Armin Arlert
What is the name of the military organization that fights against Titans?
The Garrison
The Survey Corps
The Military Police
The Scout Regiment
What is the name of the city where the story takes place?
Wall Maria
Wall Rose
Wall Sina
Who is the Titan that breached Wall Maria and caused the destruction of the town of Shiganshina?
The Armored Titan
The Colossal Titan
The Female Titan
The Beast Titan
What is the name of the Titan that Eren can transform into?
The Armored Titan
The Colossal Titan
The Female Titan
The Attack Titan
What is the name of the female Titan that appears during the battle of Trost?
Annie Leonhart
Krista Lenz
Petra Ral
What is the name of the Titan that killed Eren's mother?
The Armored Titan
The Colossal Titan
The Female Titan
The Smiling Titan
Who is the leader of the Survey Corps?
Erwin Smith
Levi Ackerman
Hange Zoe
Nile Dok
What is the name of the Titan serum that can turn humans into Titans?
The Founding Titan
The Beast Titan
The Titan Injection
The Titan Serum
What is the name of the organization that seeks to restore Eldian supremacy?
The Eldian Restorationists
The Titans' Advocates
The Marleyan Warriors
The Restorationists
Very impressive!
Congratulations on your excellent score in the Attack on Titan anime quiz! You are truly a fan of the series and have a deep knowledge of the characters and storyline.
There is still room for improvement!
It's okay if you didn't do as well as you hoped on this quiz. It's important to remember that everyone has room for improvement and it's a great opportunity to learn something new. Take some time to study the material and try again. With practice and dedication, you'll be able to do better next time. Don't give up!