Assess Your Empathy: Take Our Comprehensive Quiz Today

Assess Your Empathy: Take Our Comprehensive Quiz Today
Empathy is the ability to understand the feelings and emotions of other people. The level of empathy defines a person's communication style and professional qualities. It also affects decision-making and the ability to resolve disputes. Do you want to know your level of empathy? It's never been easier, just answer the questions of this quiz! 

I get upset when I see a stranger feeling lonely among other people.



Rather not


I don't like it when people can't hide their feelings.



Rather not


When I see someone getting nervous, I get nervous too.





Crying from happiness is silly.

I strongly agree

I rather agree

I rather disagree

I strongly disagree

I take my friends' problems close to heart.





I get emotional when listening to love songs.





I find it hard to break bad news to a person.





My mood is easily affected by others.

I strongly agree

I rather agree

I rather disagree

I strongly disagree

I like to work with people.

I strongly agree

I rather agree

I rather disagree

I strongly disagree

I like giving gifts to people.

I strongly agree

I rather agree

I rather disagree

I strongly disagree

I get upset when I see a crying person.





Some songs can make me happy.

I strongly agree

I rather agree

I rather disagree

I strongly disagree

When I read a book, I take the emotions of its characters close to heart.

I strongly agree

I rather agree

I rather disagree

I strongly disagree

I get mad when a person is treated badly.

I strongly agree

I rather agree

I rather disagree

I strongly disagree

I stay calm even in an emergency.

I strongly agree

I rather agree

I rather disagree

I strongly disagree

I don't understand people who cry when watching a film.

I strongly agree

I rather agree

I rather disagree

I strongly disagree

When making a decision, I don't take into consideration what other people think.

I strongly agree

I rather agree

I rather disagree

I strongly disagree

I lose my piece of mind when people around me are upset or frustrated.

I strongly agree

I rather agree

I rather disagree

I strongly disagree

I get frustrated when I see animals suffer.

I strongly agree

I rather agree

I rather disagree

I strongly disagree

Little kids cry without reason.

I strongly agree

I rather agree

I rather disagree

I strongly disagree

You have a low level of empathy

You find it hard to communicate with other people and feel insecure in a big company. For you, starting a conversation is a real challenge. Actions driven by emotions appear to you illogical and useless. You're all about rationality, accuracy, and logic. You have few friends. Your friends are smart people with high professional skills. However, you don't care about their sensitivity and sincerity. You achieve the best results by working alone and not in a team. 

You have a medium level of empathy

Most people have a medium empathy level. While you aren't one of those people with thick skin, you can't be considered an oversensitive person either. You judge others relying on their actions rather than your personal impressions and emotions. You can control your feelings most of the time. Sometimes, you experience difficulties building interpersonal relationships because you lack the empathy to "see through" the other person. Nonetheless, it's not a big obstacle for you. 

You have a high level of empathy

You're a kind, generous, and sincere person. You forgive easily. You love getting to know people and helping them. You don't have problems forging new relationships. We bet children love to spend time with you. When making decisions and resolving conflicts, you're guided by feelings. You prefer teamwork over individual endeavours. At the same time, you constantly need approval from others. Plus, you're frustrated easily. 

You have a very high level of empathy

You seem to know what other people are feeling by simply looking at them. This is why you find it emotionally hard to talk with unhappy or angry people. People trust you with their secrets and often seek your advice. You're very sensitive and vulnerable. Sometimes, your emotions and thoughts keep you awake at night. You need emotional support all the time. Maybe you should see a specialist to make sure that your high level of empathy doesn't affect your mental health. 

I get upset when I see a stranger feeling lonely among other people.
1 / 20
I don't like it when people can't hide their feelings.
2 / 20
When I see someone getting nervous, I get nervous too.
3 / 20
Crying from happiness is silly.
4 / 20
I take my friends' problems close to heart.
5 / 20
I get emotional when listening to love songs.
6 / 20
I find it hard to break bad news to a person.
7 / 20
My mood is easily affected by others.
8 / 20
I like to work with people.
9 / 20
I like giving gifts to people.
10 / 20
I get upset when I see a crying person.
11 / 20
Some songs can make me happy.
12 / 20
When I read a book, I take the emotions of its characters close to heart.
13 / 20
I get mad when a person is treated badly.
14 / 20
I stay calm even in an emergency.
15 / 20
I don't understand people who cry when watching a film.
16 / 20
When making a decision, I don't take into consideration what other people think.
17 / 20
I lose my piece of mind when people around me are upset or frustrated.
18 / 20
I get frustrated when I see animals suffer.
19 / 20
Little kids cry without reason.
20 / 20

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