Can You Guess Which Classic Cartoon Character is More Than Just a Pig? Take Our Porky Pig Quiz Now!

Can You Guess Which Classic Cartoon Character is More Than Just a Pig? Take Our Porky Pig Quiz Now!

Welcome to the Porky Pig quiz! Porky Pig is one of the most beloved cartoon characters of all time, known for his stuttering speech and lovable personality. This quiz will test your knowledge of Porky Pig's history, his friends and enemies, and his many adventures. So, get ready to put your Porky Pig knowledge to the test and see how much you really know about this iconic character!

What is Porky Pig's occupation in most of his cartoons?


News reporter



Who created Porky Pig?

Walt Disney

Chuck Jones

Tex Avery

Friz Freleng

What is the name of Porky Pig's girlfriend?

Petunia Pig

Daisy Duck

Minnie Mouse

Lola Bunny

What is the name of Porky Pig's nephew?

Pinky Pig

Timmy Pig

Percy Pig

Plucky Pig

What is the name of the first cartoon in which Porky Pig appeared?

I Haven't Got a Hat

Porky's Duck Hunt

Porky's Hare Hunt

Porky's Romance

What is the name of Porky Pig's pet dog?





What is the name of the character who often appears with Porky Pig in Looney Tunes cartoons?

Bugs Bunny

Daffy Duck

Elmer Fudd

Sylvester the Cat

What is the name of the famous opera that Porky Pig sings in the cartoon What's Opera, Doc?

The Barber of Seville


The Magic Flute


What is the name of the character who is Porky Pig's arch-nemesis in the Looney Tunes cartoons?

Yosemite Sam

Wile E. Coyote

Marvin the Martian

The Tasmanian Devil

What is the name of the character who often appears as Porky Pig's sidekick in the Looney Tunes cartoons?

Speedy Gonzales

Foghorn Leghorn

Henery Hawk

Porky's Duck

What is the name of the Looney Tunes spin-off series that starred Porky Pig and his friends?

Tiny Toon Adventures


The Sylvester and Tweety Mysteries

The Porky Pig Show

What is the name of the Looney Tunes character who is Porky Pig's best friend?

Bugs Bunny

Daffy Duck

Sylvester the Cat

Foghorn Leghorn

Very impressive!

Congratulations on passing the Porky Pig quiz! You really know your stuff when it comes to this classic cartoon character. Keep up the great work!    

There is still room for improvement!

It's okay if you didn't do as well as you hoped on this quiz. It's important to remember that everyone has room for improvement and it's a great opportunity to learn something new. Take some time to study the material and try again. With practice and dedication, you'll be able to do better next time. Don't give up!    

What is Porky Pig's occupation in most of his cartoons?
1 / 12
Who created Porky Pig?
2 / 12
What is the name of Porky Pig's girlfriend?
3 / 12
What is the name of Porky Pig's nephew?
4 / 12
What is the name of the first cartoon in which Porky Pig appeared?
5 / 12
What is the name of Porky Pig's pet dog?
6 / 12
What is the name of the character who often appears with Porky Pig in Looney Tunes cartoons?
7 / 12
What is the name of the famous opera that Porky Pig sings in the cartoon What's Opera, Doc?
8 / 12
What is the name of the character who is Porky Pig's arch-nemesis in the Looney Tunes cartoons?
9 / 12
What is the name of the character who often appears as Porky Pig's sidekick in the Looney Tunes cartoons?
10 / 12
What is the name of the Looney Tunes spin-off series that starred Porky Pig and his friends?
11 / 12
What is the name of the Looney Tunes character who is Porky Pig's best friend?
12 / 12

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