Descend into the Abyss: Test Your Knowledge of SOMA Now!

Descend into the Abyss: Test Your Knowledge of SOMA Now!

Welcome to the SOMA quiz, where you can test your knowledge of one of the most immersive and thought-provoking sci-fi horror games in recent years. Developed by Frictional Games, the creators of Amnesia: The Dark Descent, SOMA takes players on a journey through a world of fear, uncertainty, and the unknown. In SOMA, players take on the role of Simon Jarrett, a man who finds himself trapped in an underwater research facility, where he must navigate through the ruins of a once-great civilization while being pursued by a mysterious and deadly entity. With a focus on exploration, puzzle-solving, and survival horror, SOMA offers a truly immersive and captivating gameplay experience that rewards careful observation, investigation, and quick reflexes. Whether you prefer to take a more cautious approach or engage in more daring actions, SOMA offers a diverse selection of options to choose from, allowing players to tailor their gameplay experience to their preferred playstyle. With an art style that's both striking and haunting, SOMA offers a truly unique and unforgettable gaming experience that's sure to keep you on the edge of your seat. Whether you're a fan of horror or sci-fi games or a newcomer to the genre, this quiz will challenge you to see how much you really know about the intricate and complex world of SOMA. So, prepare your senses, ready your wits, and get ready to test your skills with the SOMA quiz!    

What is the objective of the game?

Solve a mystery

Escape a supernatural force

Find a cure for a disease

Uncover the truth about the protagonist's past

What is the name of the artificial intelligence who guides the protagonist through the game?




Catherine Chun

What is the name of the level where the player must navigate through a dark, flooded laboratory while avoiding monsters?

The Cursed Lab

The Flooded Research Facility

The Underwater Maze

The Abyss

What is the name of the level where the player must navigate through a destroyed communication center while avoiding monsters and solving puzzles?

The Radio Tower

The Satellite Uplink

The Transmission Hub

The Comms Relay

What is the name of the level where the player must navigate through a deep-sea research facility while avoiding monsters and solving puzzles?

The Abyssal Research Station

The Oceanic Lab

The Deep-Sea Facility

The Submerged Complex

What is the name of the level where the player must navigate through a facility for robotic experiments while avoiding monsters and solving puzzles?

The Robotics Facility

The Machine Lab

The Artificial Intelligence Center

The Wrecked Test Site

What is the name of the level where the player must navigate through a power facility while avoiding monsters and solving puzzles?

The Power Plant

The Energy Station

The Generator Room

The Reactor Core

What is the name of the level where the player must confront and defeat the primary antagonist?

The Final Showdown

The Confrontation

The Climax

The Endgame

What is the name of the device that the player uses to manipulate machines and doors?

The Hacking Device

The Computer Tool

The Terminal Control

The Omni-Tool

What is the name of the device that the player uses to scan for information and objectives?

The Data Pad

The Information Analyzer

The Interface

The Omni-Tool

What is the name of the final level in the game where the player uncovers the truth about the protagonist's past and the events of the game?

The Revelation

The Truth Revealed

The Denouement

The Final Twist

What is the name of the monster that serves as the primary antagonist of Soma?

The Proxy

The Leviathan

The Beast


What is the name of the artificial intelligence that runs amok and causes chaos in the game?





Very impressive!

Congratulations on your outstanding score in the SOMA quiz! Your knowledge of this thought-provoking and atmospheric game is truly impressive. You must have a deep understanding of the game's themes of identity, consciousness, and the nature of humanity, as well as its intricately constructed world and storyline. Your skill in navigating the dark and eerie depths of the game's underwater research facility, solving puzzles and uncovering the mysteries hidden within, is a testament to your expertise as a gamer. Keep up the great work, and continue to explore the depths of SOMA's existential horror, where every discovery is a chance to further unravel the game's complex narrative and discover the true nature of the world around you. You are a true master of the horror genre, and we congratulate you on your achievement in SOMA!    

There is still room for improvement!

It's okay if you didn't do as well as you hoped on this quiz. It's important to remember that everyone has room for improvement and it's a great opportunity to learn something new. Take some time to study the material and try again. With practice and dedication, you'll be able to do better next time. Don't give up!   

What is the objective of the game?
1 / 13
What is the name of the artificial intelligence who guides the protagonist through the game?
2 / 13
What is the name of the level where the player must navigate through a dark, flooded laboratory while avoiding monsters?
3 / 13
What is the name of the level where the player must navigate through a destroyed communication center while avoiding monsters and solving puzzles?
4 / 13
What is the name of the level where the player must navigate through a deep-sea research facility while avoiding monsters and solving puzzles?
5 / 13
What is the name of the level where the player must navigate through a facility for robotic experiments while avoiding monsters and solving puzzles?
6 / 13
What is the name of the level where the player must navigate through a power facility while avoiding monsters and solving puzzles?
7 / 13
What is the name of the level where the player must confront and defeat the primary antagonist?
8 / 13
What is the name of the device that the player uses to manipulate machines and doors?
9 / 13
What is the name of the device that the player uses to scan for information and objectives?
10 / 13
What is the name of the final level in the game where the player uncovers the truth about the protagonist's past and the events of the game?
11 / 13
What is the name of the monster that serves as the primary antagonist of Soma?
12 / 13
What is the name of the artificial intelligence that runs amok and causes chaos in the game?
13 / 13

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