What’s Your Body Type? Take the Male Body Type Quiz to Find Out!

What’s Your Body Type? Take the Male Body Type Quiz to Find Out!
Do you fail to determine your body type time and again? The effectiveness of diets and workouts depends on it! There are three body types and most often a body combines all three of them with one prevailing. Take the quiz to find out your body type :)

What area do you gain weight in oftener?

Arms and legs

Whole body


How oftrn do you experience strong food cravings?


Almost always


What problem do you usually face?

It's hard to lose weight

It's hard to gain weight

It's hard to keep the optimal weight

What's your relation between shoulders and thighs?

Shoulders are the same as thighs

Shoulders are wider than thighs

Thighs are wider than shoulders

Measure your wrist. How many cm do you have?

How jeans are tight on you in the thigh area?

Your forearms are...



Muscular with a thin fat layer

Your body is


The body outlines are soft


What's your height?




Do you run to fat?


Ectomorph or asthenic bodybuild. This is a typical skinny one: a light body structure, a small muscle bulk, narrow shoulders, and elongated limbs. The ectomorphs' weight is usually standard or substandard. Choosing physical exercises it's better to drop the handkerchief to swimming or dancing. Make sure to share the quiz with friends who also don't have any idea what body type are they :)


Mesomorph or normosthenic bodybuild. These people are big-boned, have a large muscle bulk and heavily-built. This is a perfect body for bodybuilding or many other sports, for example, volleyball or basketball. Make sure to share the quiz with friends who also don't have any idea what body type are they :)


Endomorph or hypersthenic bodybuild. These people tend to have excess weight, even if they consume fewer calories. They are usually short, they have a soft body of round shape and musculature is poorly pronounced. Martial arts are among recommended sports. Make sure to share the quiz with friends who also don't have any idea what body type are they :)

What area do you gain weight in oftener?
1 / 10
How oftrn do you experience strong food cravings?
2 / 10
What problem do you usually face?
3 / 10
What's your relation between shoulders and thighs?
4 / 10
Measure your wrist. How many cm do you have?
5 / 10
How jeans are tight on you in the thigh area?
6 / 10
Your forearms are...
7 / 10
Your body is
8 / 10
What's your height?
9 / 10
Do you run to fat?
10 / 10

Calculating results...

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