Did You Marry the Wrong Person? Take the Relationship Quiz to Find Out

Did You Marry the Wrong Person? Take the Relationship Quiz to Find Out

Some time ago you were crazy in love and decided to get married. But are you happy in marriage? Will it be a fairytale with a happy end or did you marry the wrong person? Take our quiz to find out.

Do you think that family is more important than the job?

You have many shared hobbies.

You want to take Latin American dancing. Your spouse's reaction.

He'll happily go to class with me

He'll let me go but won't go himself

He won't go and forbid me

If you earn more than your spouse, what will he feel?

Your husband believes that household cares are woman's task and never helps you

How often does your spouse make you presents on a scale from 1 to 10?

Do you think that your friend's husband is better than yours?

Do you plan to have kids?

We already have

Of course, we want one

We've never talked about it

How do you sleep with your husband?

With arms around each other

Facing different sides

Facing each other

After fighting, you may avoid talking a few days

He's the only one

It seems you have a strong and healthy relationship. you both feel comfortable and reverently treat each other. You used to sharing your feelings and spend a lot of time together. One can only envy this marriage. However, remember that relations pass different stages. And so far you do everything right! Share this quiz on social media - let's see how things are going with your friends' marriage.

It's probable that the marriage will be unsuccessful

It seems you grew apart lately. You started to talk less, less share experiences, stopped to make joint plans. There's no annoyance between you, however, you feel less interest in your partner. Temporal alienation is typical of any relationship but it's up to you to decide will it be the beginning of a new closing-in. Try to go on a joint journey. Everyday hurry-scurry dissipates attention from each other, and the change of scene will be good for both of you and help to save your marriage. Share this quiz on social media - let's see how things are going with your friends' marriage.

That's strange that you married at all

You are so different that you often feel uncomfortable in the marriage lately. It seems your spouse one doesn't understand you and doesn't take an interest in your feelings. Probably, he is just reserved and is not used to share his feelings. However, his reaction can indicate a lack of respect for you. Try to tell him about your feelings and understand what hides behind external indifference. Probably, you'll be able to get to know each other better and save your marriage. Share this quiz on social media - let's see how things are going with your friends' marriage.

Do you think that family is more important than the job?
1 / 10
You have many shared hobbies.
2 / 10
You want to take Latin American dancing. Your spouse's reaction.
3 / 10
If you earn more than your spouse, what will he feel?
4 / 10
Your husband believes that household cares are woman's task and never helps you
5 / 10
How often does your spouse make you presents on a scale from 1 to 10?
6 / 10
Do you think that your friend's husband is better than yours?
7 / 10
Do you plan to have kids?
8 / 10
How do you sleep with your husband?
9 / 10
After fighting, you may avoid talking a few days
10 / 10

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