Discover Your Inner Survival Instincts with this Life of Pi Quiz!

Discover Your Inner Survival Instincts with this Life of Pi Quiz!

Welcome to the Life of Pi quiz! Yann Martel's novel takes readers on a journey of survival, faith, and self-discovery. The story follows Pi, a young Indian boy who finds himself stranded on a lifeboat in the middle of the Pacific Ocean with a Bengal tiger named Richard Parker.

This quiz will test your knowledge of the book's plot, characters, and themes. So, grab a pencil and paper, and let's dive into the world of Life of Pi!

What is the name of the protagonist in Life of Pi?

Piscine Molitor Patel

Richard Parker

Francis Adirubasamy

Santosh Patel

What is the name of the ship that sinks in the beginning of the novel?



Queen Mary


What is the name of the tiger that Pi is stranded on the lifeboat with?



Richard Parker


What is the name of the island that Pi and Richard Parker come across?

Coconut Island

Banana Island

Algae Island

Mango Island

What is the name of the religion that Pi practices?





What is the name of the zoo that Pi's family owns?

Pondicherry Zoo

Mumbai Zoo

Delhi Zoo

Kolkata Zoo

What is the name of the cook on the Tsimtsum?

Mr. Kumar

Mr. Patel

Mr. Singh

Mr. Kumaraswamy

What is the name of the author who interviews Pi?

Yann Martel

Francis Adirubasamy

Tomohiro Okamoto

Atsuro Chiba

What is the name of the animal that Pi is afraid of in the zoo?





What is the name of the ship that rescues Pi?

Japanese Trawler

Chinese Junk

Korean Freighter

Taiwanese Cargo Ship

What is the name of the animal that Pi uses to catch fish?



Flying fish


What is the name of the animal that Pi sees on the lifeboat that he believes is a hallucination?





What is the name of the animal that Pi's father teaches him to kill?





Very impressive!

Congratulations on passing the quiz about Life of Pi by Yann Martel! Your dedication and hard work have paid off, and you should be proud of your achievement. Keep up the great work!

There is still room for improvement!

It's okay if you didn't do as well as you hoped on this quiz. It's important to remember that everyone has room for improvement and it's a great opportunity to learn something new.  Take some time to study the material and try again. With practice and dedication, you'll be able to do better next time. Don't give up!

What is the name of the protagonist in Life of Pi?
1 / 13
What is the name of the ship that sinks in the beginning of the novel?
2 / 13
What is the name of the tiger that Pi is stranded on the lifeboat with?
3 / 13
What is the name of the island that Pi and Richard Parker come across?
4 / 13
What is the name of the religion that Pi practices?
5 / 13
What is the name of the zoo that Pi's family owns?
6 / 13
What is the name of the cook on the Tsimtsum?
7 / 13
What is the name of the author who interviews Pi?
8 / 13
What is the name of the animal that Pi is afraid of in the zoo?
9 / 13
What is the name of the ship that rescues Pi?
10 / 13
What is the name of the animal that Pi uses to catch fish?
11 / 13
What is the name of the animal that Pi sees on the lifeboat that he believes is a hallucination?
12 / 13
What is the name of the animal that Pi's father teaches him to kill?
13 / 13

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