Welcome to the Ballroom is an anime series that follows the journey of a young boy named Tatara Fujita, who discovers his passion for ballroom dancing and decides to pursue it as a career. Along the way, he encounters various challenges, including tough competition, physical injuries, and the expectations of his peers and mentors. The anime provides an in-depth look into the world of competitive ballroom dancing and the dedication required to succeed at the highest levels. With its stunning animation, vibrant characters, and thrilling dance sequences, Welcome to the Ballroom has captivated audiences worldwide. Do you consider yourself a fan of the show? Take this quiz to test your knowledge of the series!
Which of the following is not a character in Welcome to the Ballroom?
Mako Akagi
Shizuku Hanaoka
Gaju Akagi
Kakeru Juuouin
What is the name of the dance studio where Tatara starts taking lessons?
Ogasawara Dance Studio
Takahashi Dance Studio
Nishiyama Dance Studio
Saitama Dance Studio
Who is the professional dancer that Tatara looks up to?
Akira Uchida
Kiyoharu Hyodo
Gaju Akagi
Which of the following dances is not performed in Welcome to the Ballroom?
What is the name of the tournament that Tatara and his friends participate in?
Tenpei Cup
Grand Prix
DanceSport Championship
Tenpei Cup Junior
Who is Tatara's partner in the Tenpei Cup?
Shizuku Hanaoka
Mako Akagi
Chinatsu Hiyama
Tamaki Honda
Which of the following is not a technique used in ballroom dancing?
Twist Turn
What is the nickname given to Tatara by his fellow competitors?
The Ringer
The Savior
The Tenpei Prince
Who is the owner of the dance studio where Tatara takes lessons?
Shizuku Hanaoka
Gaju Akagi
Tamaki Honda
Kaname Sengoku
Which of the following is not a recurring theme in Welcome to the Ballroom?
Who is the national champion of ballroom dancing in Japan?
Kiyoharu Hyodo
Gaju Akagi
Kiyoharu's Father
What is the name of the song that Tatara and Chinatsu perform to in the Tenpei Cup?
The Lion Sleeps Tonight
I Wanna Be Your Man
Moon River
Chinatown, My Chinatown
Very impressive!
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