Do you know your Mohinga from your Ohn no khauk swe? Test your Burmese cuisine knowledge with this quiz!

	Do you know your Mohinga from your Ohn no khauk swe? Test your Burmese cuisine knowledge with this quiz!

Welcome to the Myanmar Cuisine Quiz! Myanmar, also known as Burma, is a country in Southeast Asia with a rich and diverse culinary tradition. Myanmar cuisine is influenced by its neighboring countries like India, China, and Thailand, as well as its own unique local ingredients and cooking techniques. From the comforting and flavorful Mohinga, a fish-based noodle soup, to the tangy and spicy flavors of Lahpet Thoke, a tea leaf salad, Myanmar food offers a delicious variety of flavors and textures. In this quiz, you will have the opportunity to test your knowledge of Myanmar cuisine, from its traditional dishes to its cultural significance. Get ready to explore the unique flavors and culinary traditions of Myanmar, and discover the mouth-watering delights that this country has to offer!

Which of the following is a popular Burmese salad made with fermented tea leaves?

Laphet Thoke


Shan Noodles


What is the national dish of Myanmar?

Ohn No Khao Swè

Khow Suey


Shan Noodles

Which of the following is a common ingredient in Myanmar cuisine that is used to thicken soups and sauces?

Chickpea flour


Tapioca flour

Rice flour

What is the staple food in Myanmar cuisine?





Which of the following dishes is a popular Burmese noodle soup made with coconut milk and chicken?

Ohn No Khao Swè


Shan Noodles

Khow Suey

Which of the following ingredients is commonly used to add spiciness to Burmese dishes?

Bird's eye chili

Chili powder

Jalapeno peppers

Scotch bonnet peppers

What is the traditional Burmese flatbread called?





Which of the following dishes is a Burmese dish made with rice noodles and fish-based soup?


Laphet Thoke

Shan Noodles

Khow Suey

What is the name of the traditional Burmese dessert made with sticky rice, coconut milk, and jaggery?


Bein Moun

Shwe Htamin

Shwe Yin Aye

Which of the following fruits is commonly used in Burmese salads and side dishes?





Very impressive!

    Congratulations on achieving an excellent score in the quiz about Myanmar (Burmese) cuisine! Your knowledge and appreciation of the unique flavors, ingredients, and techniques used in Burmese cooking are truly impressive. From the tangy and spicy flavors of lahpet thoke and mohinga to the savory and aromatic curries such as ohn no khao swè and kyar zan hin, Burmese cuisine has a rich and diverse culinary tradition that you clearly understand. Keep exploring the delicious world of Burmese cuisine and continue to impress with your expertise!    

There is still room for improvement!

    It's okay if you didn't do as well as you hoped on this quiz. It's important to remember that everyone has room for improvement and it's a great opportunity to learn something new. Take some time to study the material and try again. With practice and dedication, you'll be able to do better next time. Don't give up!        

Which of the following is a popular Burmese salad made with fermented tea leaves?
1 / 10
What is the national dish of Myanmar?
2 / 10
Which of the following is a common ingredient in Myanmar cuisine that is used to thicken soups and sauces?
3 / 10
What is the staple food in Myanmar cuisine?
4 / 10
Which of the following dishes is a popular Burmese noodle soup made with coconut milk and chicken?
5 / 10
Which of the following ingredients is commonly used to add spiciness to Burmese dishes?
6 / 10
What is the traditional Burmese flatbread called?
7 / 10
Which of the following dishes is a Burmese dish made with rice noodles and fish-based soup?
8 / 10
What is the name of the traditional Burmese dessert made with sticky rice, coconut milk, and jaggery?
9 / 10
Which of the following fruits is commonly used in Burmese salads and side dishes?
10 / 10

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