Ultimate Norse Mythology Quiz: Test Your Knowledge of Scandinavian Legends!

Ultimate Norse Mythology Quiz: Test Your Knowledge of Scandinavian Legends!

Ballet is a beautiful art form appreciated by aficionados. The art of ballet was born long ago and it is still quite conservative, following its roots and rich traditions. Are you ready to test your knowledge of ballet?

How many ballet shoes does a ballet dancer needs every year?

Ballet shoes do not last long and wear away very quickly, so a ballet dancer needs about 300 pairs of ballet shoes every year.





In what country was this art form born in the 15th century?

Ballet was born in the 15th century in Italy and the word ballet from the Italian "ballo" means a dance.





How much does a male ballet dancer lift during one performance in total?

During one performance a male ballet dancer lifts about one tonne.

200 kg

50 kg

1 tonne

500 kg

In what country has ballet been forbidden since 2001?

Since 2001 ballet has been forbidden in Turkmenistan.





In what country was a ballet skirt invented?

A ballet skirt was invented in 1839 in Italy by Filippo Taglioni.





Which ballet is the most popular in the world?

Swan Lake is rightfully believed to be the gold standard of high art and many well known dancers are proud that they were lucky to perform in it.

The Nutcracker


Swan Lake


What performance is the most expensive?

The most expensive performance is the ballet The Magic Mirror that was staged in 1903. A huge mirror with mercury shining on its surface cracked during the performance and the mercury spilled on the floor. It frightened the dancers and made the audience laugh.

The Magic Mirror

Romeo and Juliet

Don Quixote

The Firebird

What sign is believed to be bad among the ballet dancers?

Ballet dancers as many creative people are very superstitious. For example, both of these are bad signs: Coming into their dressing room with their left foot first and somebody stand in the way of a ballet dancer before their performance.

Meeting a woman with empty bucket during the dress rehearsal

Somebody standing in the way of a ballet dancer before the performance

Getting out of the bed with right foot on the day of the performance

Receiving daisies after the performance

Which poet fell in love with a ballet dancer?

Sergei Yesenin was in love with a famous dancer Isadora Duncan who died tragically in a car accident.

Aleksandr Pushkin

Viktor Hugo

Jack London

Sergei Yesenin

Which of these movies is about ballet?

Dirty dancing

Black swan

Step up


What is Olga Lepeshinskaya famous for?

A legendary ballet dancer Olga Lepeshinskaya broke her leg in three places right on the stage and the audience could hear the sound of the broking bones. However, she danced her part to the end as if nothing had happened. 

She was the prima ballerina in the Bolshoi Theater

She broke her leg during the performace but kept on dancing

She was the first female ballet dancer

She was a student of Maya Plisetskaya

A ballet genius

You are a guru of this art form! You really know a lot about ballet.  This is a very good result if you are not a ballet fan and an expected to get the answers wrong.Well done! 

There's still something to strive for!

You are not an expert in ballet because you made some mistakes. However, there's no need to be upset. This test was a good way to learn something new about ballet.  

How many ballet shoes does a ballet dancer needs every year?
1 / 11
In what country was this art form born in the 15th century?
2 / 11
How much does a male ballet dancer lift during one performance in total?
3 / 11
In what country has ballet been forbidden since 2001?
4 / 11
In what country was a ballet skirt invented?
5 / 11
Which ballet is the most popular in the world?
6 / 11
What performance is the most expensive?
7 / 11
What sign is believed to be bad among the ballet dancers?
8 / 11
Which poet fell in love with a ballet dancer?
9 / 11
Which of these movies is about ballet?
10 / 11
What is Olga Lepeshinskaya famous for?
11 / 11

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