How Much Do You Know About the Universe? This Quiz Will Find Out!

How Much Do You Know About the Universe? This Quiz Will Find Out!
Many of us think that space and everything connected with it is difficult. But some people can't get enough! Which category do you belong to? Answer these questions to find out!

The Earth has how many natural satellites?





What is Proxima Centauri's claim to fame?

It is the next nearest star to the Sun

First shuttle to land on Moon

It is the only planet with water other than Earth

It is the most high-mass star

Which of these is NOT an element in stars?





Where is the "edge of space" found?

72 miles above sea level

62 miles above sea level

50 miles above sea level

100 miles above sea level

What was the first man-made object sent into space?

Chinese rocket

American space station

German rocket

Russian space probe

One would need to explode 100 billion tons of dynamite every second to match the energy produced by the sun.



How much larger than the Earth is the Sun?

300,000 times larger

10 times larger

40,000 times larger

10,000 times larger

In what year will Halley's Comet next be visible from Earth?





What is happening when there is a lunar eclipse?

The Earth is between the Sun and the Moon

The Moon is told its not as cool as the Sun

The Moon is between the Earth and the Sun

The Earth covers the sun

The Andromeda Galaxy is actually approaching our Milky Way galaxy.



Who was the first man in space?

John Glenn

Yuri Gagarin

Neil Armstrong

Valentina Tereshkova

What is the name of the most distant spacecraft from Earth?

Voyager 1



Lenka 1

Which planet is the smallest in our solar system?





Earth has the most volcanoes of any planet.



If you really could count all of the stars, how many would you reach counting all those in the Milky Way?

5 trillion

100 billion

1 billion

50 billion

Which planet is also called The Morning Star or The Evening Star?





Which of these is not a constellation?

Reticulum the Net

Puppis the Stern

Apus the Bird

Caliban the Monster

How long can the tail of a comet reach?

50,000 miles

10,000 miles

600,000 miles

100,000 miles

The Sun is the hottest planet in our galaxy.



The sun makes up how much of the solar system's mass?





Earth has over 8,000 pieces of space junk orbiting it.



What makes Gliese 436b noteworthy?

It's the only pink planet

It's the smallest planet

It was the first red dwarf discovered

It's a planet of burning ice

Where did Jupiter get its name from?

Chinese named planet after Emperor at time of discovery

Native Americans named planet after Trickster character

Greeks named planet after God of War

Romans named planet after Zeus

Which planet is closest to the size of Earth's moon?





In what year did Pluto get reclassified as a dwarf planet?





A day on Mercury lasts longer than its year.



How close to Earth is the nearest black hole?

10 light years

100 light years

10,000 light years

1,000 light years

The Universe has no center and is constantly expanding.



Which of these is not a space agency?





What causes a quasar?

Static electricity builds up and causes shuttles to go off track.

Gas swirls quickly around a black hole and heats up to emit light

Gas swirls slowly around a black hole until no light is visible.

Neutron stars are magnetized.

Ours is the only planet within the Milky Way galaxy capable of supporting life.



How long does it take for our solar system to complete a single orbit around the Milky Way?

230 million years

100 million years

365 days

24 hours

How long does it take for the sun's rays to reach Earth?

8 minutes

10 minutes

10 hours

8 hours

About 10,000 light years away there is a cloud of alcohol with a diameter 1,000 larger than our solar system.



Which planet spins backwards relative to the others?






If you suddenly find yourself on another planet, you will behave like a real alien. You don't know much about the cosmos and the universe. Even the names of the planets in the solar system were difficult for you to remember. In any case, after this test, you know a little more about the universe! Send this quiz to your friends, let's see if they can do it better!

Future Astronaut

If you suddenly find yourself on another planet, you may be able to survive. Your knowledge will allow you to navigate in space, but you need to learn more about this topic to feel confident. Of course, you know the names of the planets of the solar system and some facts, but there are questions that cause difficulties. In any case, after our test, you know a little more about the universe! Send this quiz to your friends, let's see if they can do it better!

Experienced Spaceman

If you suddenly find yourself on another planet, you are very likely to be able to survive. Your knowledge will allow you to navigate in space, and you will feel quite confident. Of course, you know the names of the planets of the solar system and many facts, so it is difficult to find a question that would cause you difficulties! Send this quiz to your friends, let's see if they can do it better!

The Earth has how many natural satellites?
What is Proxima Centauri's claim to fame?
Which of these is NOT an element in stars?
Where is the "edge of space" found?
What was the first man-made object sent into space?
One would need to explode 100 billion tons of dynamite every second to match the energy produced by the sun.
How much larger than the Earth is the Sun?
In what year will Halley's Comet next be visible from Earth?
What is happening when there is a lunar eclipse?
The Andromeda Galaxy is actually approaching our Milky Way galaxy.
Who was the first man in space?
What is the name of the most distant spacecraft from Earth?
Which planet is the smallest in our solar system?
Earth has the most volcanoes of any planet.
If you really could count all of the stars, how many would you reach counting all those in the Milky Way?
Which planet is also called The Morning Star or The Evening Star?
Which of these is not a constellation?
How long can the tail of a comet reach?
The Sun is the hottest planet in our galaxy.
The sun makes up how much of the solar system's mass?
Earth has over 8,000 pieces of space junk orbiting it.
What makes Gliese 436b noteworthy?
Where did Jupiter get its name from?
Which planet is closest to the size of Earth's moon?
In what year did Pluto get reclassified as a dwarf planet?
A day on Mercury lasts longer than its year.
How close to Earth is the nearest black hole?
The Universe has no center and is constantly expanding.
Which of these is not a space agency?
What causes a quasar?
Ours is the only planet within the Milky Way galaxy capable of supporting life.
How long does it take for our solar system to complete a single orbit around the Milky Way?
How long does it take for the sun's rays to reach Earth?
About 10,000 light years away there is a cloud of alcohol with a diameter 1,000 larger than our solar system.
Which planet spins backwards relative to the others?

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