How Well Do You Know Your Own Body? Let's Find Out!

How Well Do You Know Your Own Body? Let's Find Out!

Test your knowledge or learn some new facts about human anatomy and physiology with this quiz.

How many muscles are in the human body?

There are from 636 to 850 muscles according to various sources. It depends on differentiation and the counting method.

Slightly less than 100



How many bones does an adult human skeleton consist of?

The human skeleton of an adult consists of 206 bones: 26 bones form the skull, 26 - the spinal column, 25 - ribs and the breast bone, 64 - the skeleton of the upper limbs, 62 - the skeleton of the lower limbs. The skeleton of a child consists of 300 bones until they grow together.




Where is a forearm?

Forearm is a part of the upper limb of humans or animals. It is the area between the elbow joint and the wrist.

2, 3


7, 8

4, 5, 6

What is the approximate surface area of adults?

The skin is the largest organ in the body. The surface area of adults is about1.5 - 2.3 m². Its weight is approximately 5.5 kg.

1.5-2.3 square meters

More than 3 square meters

Less than 1 square meter

Where is the cochlea?

The cochlea is the part of the inner ear. It is a spiral-shaped bone cavity, making 2.5 turns around its axis.

What is the aorta?

The AORTA is the main artery of the circulatory system leaving the left ventricle of the heart. It supplies arterial blood to all tissues and organs of the body.

It is the main vein in the body

It is the main artery in the body

How many cells are in the human body?

Yes, there are about 100 trillion cells in the body. Think about it. It happened due to division of single cells. Isn't that amazing?

1.5 million  

2 billion  

100 trillion

This part of the body has a specific location, certain form and a structure, and also performs one or more specific functions. It is...

It is the organ, of course. The small intestine is the largest internal organ in the human body. Its length equals the height four humans!




What is the organ depicted here?

The thyroid has a butterfly form. It helps to regulate production of hormones. It plays a major role in the metabolism, growth and development of the human.



A part of the lingua

What is the average lung capacity of an adult?

The average total lung capacity is about 4 liters. However, some people have more capacity, for example, those who live well above the sea level or tall people.

2 liters

4 liters

8 liters

What is the difference in a human’s height between morning and evening?

In the morning, we are 1 centimeter taller than in the evening. This happens because the cartilage in the body is in the unclenched position in the morning. Moreover, in the evening, the cartilage is compressed because a person has been walking for a long time and performed certain activities. By evening, the volume of feet increase by 8%. The height of astronauts being in weightlessness increases by 5-8 centimeters. After death, the human height also increases by 5 centimeters.

 It is not different

1 cm

5 cm

What are the smallest blood vessels called in which blood moves in tissues of the human body?

The capillary is the thinnest vessel in the human body!




What is the name of the main nervous system in the human body that forms the spinal cord and brain?

The central nervous system (CNS) is the main part of the nervous system of animals and humans. It consists of nerve cells (neurons) and their processes. The central nervous system also consists of the brain and spinal cord and their protective membranes.

Central nervous system  

Vegetative nervous system  

Somatic nervous system

Which picture is the human liver?

The liver is a unique organ of the human body. This is primarily due to its multi-functionality because it performs about 500 different functions.

What paired organs are anatomically different from each other?

The right and left lungs are unequal in both form and volume. The right lung has a larger volume than the left lung (about 10%). At the same time it is slightly shorter and wider because the right dome of the diaphragm is higher than the left (influence of the voluminous right lobe of the liver), and the heart is more left than to the right. Thereby the width of the left lung reduces.




Take it easy!

Today you have learned something new!

You have almost made it!

And today you have learned something new!

Wow! It is cool!

Come clean! Did you have Excellent on biology?

It is the cool result! Impressive!

Come clean! Are you a doctor?

How many muscles are in the human body?
1 / 15
How many bones does an adult human skeleton consist of?
2 / 15
Where is a forearm?
3 / 15
What is the approximate surface area of adults?
4 / 15
Where is the cochlea?
5 / 15
What is the aorta?
6 / 15
How many cells are in the human body?
7 / 15
This part of the body has a specific location, certain form and a structure, and also performs one or more specific functions. It is...
8 / 15
What is the organ depicted here?
9 / 15
What is the average lung capacity of an adult?
10 / 15
What is the difference in a human’s height between morning and evening?
11 / 15
What are the smallest blood vessels called in which blood moves in tissues of the human body?
12 / 15
What is the name of the main nervous system in the human body that forms the spinal cord and brain?
13 / 15
Which picture is the human liver?
14 / 15
What paired organs are anatomically different from each other?
15 / 15

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