How Dirty Is Your Mind? Take the Quiz and Find Out!

How Dirty Is Your Mind? Take the Quiz and Find Out!

What is okay in some circles is completely unacceptable and vulgar with others. Take our quiz to find out how dirty your mind is!

How many vulgar jokes do you know?

What have you seen in the picture first?

Women's bodies



And what have you seen here first?

A glass

A naked woman

A cat

Would you tell a dirty joke at work?

What does strike your eye here?

Naked women



How many people do you see here?

Do you often use ambiguities?

What do you see in the photo?

A woman with big boobs

Two bold men

Red curtains

Your mind is 100% dirty

You're a very creative person and can find something exotic in everyday routine to live a little bit merrier life. And you can also vulgarize almost everything. Some people believe you go too far, but the majority appreciate your sense of humor. Share this quiz on social media - let's see how your friends will pull it through.

Your mind is 50% dirty

Generally, you're a realist through life: you see things the way they are and don't like to dream up much. But if you turn out to be with the right people you willingly make jokes on dirty issues and do it with great skill. Share this quiz on social media - let's see how your friends will pull it through.

Your mind is not dirty at all

You see things the way they are and don't like to dream up much, especially on dirty topics. When someone is telling dirty jokes in front of you, you blush and don't know how to respond. Just take it easy! Share this quiz on social media - let's see how your friends will pull it through.

How many vulgar jokes do you know?
1 / 8
What have you seen in the picture first?
2 / 8
And what have you seen here first?
3 / 8
Would you tell a dirty joke at work?
4 / 8
What does strike your eye here?
5 / 8
How many people do you see here?
6 / 8
Do you often use ambiguities?
7 / 8
What do you see in the photo?
8 / 8

Calculating results...

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