How Tolerant Towards Others Are You Quiz

How Tolerant Towards Others Are You Quiz
Tolerance in communication promotes understanding of other people and helps to avoid conflicts. The communication tolerance test offered by Boyko V.V. will help you to define if you have any weak points in communication with others and if there is a need to improve. Ready? Express your opinion towards 45 simple statements and get your result!

Sluggish people usually get on my nerves.


Sometimes, true to some degree

Often, true to a greater degree

True to the highest degree

Fussy, restless people annoy me.


Sometimes, true to some degree

Often, true to a greater degree

True to the highest degree

It is difficult for me to bear noisy children's games.


Sometimes, true to some degree

Often, true to a greater degree

True to the highest degree

Original non-standard persons usually set my teeth on edge.


Sometimes, true to some degree

Often, true to a greater degree

True to the highest degree

A person who seems perfect in every respect would alert me.


Sometimes, true to some degree

Often, true to a greater degree

True to the highest degree

Unapprehensive conversation partner usually disturbs me from equilibrium condition.


Sometimes, true to some degree

Often, true to a greater degree

True to the highest degree

Great talkers irritate me.


Sometimes, true to some degree

Often, true to a greater degree

True to the highest degree

I don't like talking to fellow travellers taking the initiative while I am on a train or in a plane.


Sometimes, true to some degree

Often, true to a greater degree

True to the highest degree

I would not like to talk to an accidental co-traveller being second to me in knowlege and cultural level.


Sometimes, true to some degree

Often, true to a greater degree

True to the highest degree

It is difficult for me to come to an understanding with partners of other intellectual level.


Sometimes, true to some degree

Often, true to a greater degree

True to the highest degree

Modern young people make an unpleasant impression of their appearance (hairstyle, cosmetics and clothes).


Sometimes, true to some degree

Often, true to a greater degree

True to the highest degree

Some people give me an unpleasant feeling with their lack of culture.


Sometimes, true to some degree

Often, true to a greater degree

True to the highest degree

I don't like representatives of definite nationalities around me.


Sometimes, true to some degree

Often, true to a greater degree

True to the highest degree

There is a type of men or women I can't bear.


Sometimes, true to some degree

Often, true to a greater degree

True to the highest degree

I hate dealing with insufficiently qualified business partners.


Sometimes, true to some degree

Often, true to a greater degree

True to the highest degree

I believe rude people deserve the same attitude.


Sometimes, true to some degree

Often, true to a greater degree

True to the highest degree

It is difficult for me to conceal the fact I don't like some person.


Sometimes, true to some degree

Often, true to a greater degree

True to the highest degree

People striving to get their way in disputes annoy me.


Sometimes, true to some degree

Often, true to a greater degree

True to the highest degree

I don't like self-confident people.


Sometimes, true to some degree

Often, true to a greater degree

True to the highest degree

Usually I can't refrain from making a remark to an angry or nervous person who pushes others in transport.


Sometimes, true to some degree

Often, true to a greater degree

True to the highest degree

I am in the habit of moralizing others.


Sometimes, true to some degree

Often, true to a greater degree

True to the highest degree

I am outraged by unmannered people.


Sometimes, true to some degree

Often, true to a greater degree

True to the highest degree

I often catch myself trying to educate others.


Sometimes, true to some degree

Often, true to a greater degree

True to the highest degree

I constantly make remarks to other people.


Sometimes, true to some degree

Often, true to a greater degree

True to the highest degree

I like to boss my relatives around.


Sometimes, true to some degree

Often, true to a greater degree

True to the highest degree

Old people using municipal transport or going shopping at rush hour annoy me.


Sometimes, true to some degree

Often, true to a greater degree

True to the highest degree

Living with a stranger in one hotel room is the real torture for me.


Sometimes, true to some degree

Often, true to a greater degree

True to the highest degree

When a partner somehow disagree with my position, it usually irritates me.


Sometimes, true to some degree

Often, true to a greater degree

True to the highest degree

I get impatient when people express their objections to my words.


Sometimes, true to some degree

Often, true to a greater degree

True to the highest degree

It irritates me when my partner works his will contrary to what I want.


Sometimes, true to some degree

Often, true to a greater degree

True to the highest degree

Usually I hope my offenders will get what they deserve.


Sometimes, true to some degree

Often, true to a greater degree

True to the highest degree

Grumpiness is against the hair.


Sometimes, true to some degree

Often, true to a greater degree

True to the highest degree

I remember offences caused by ones I appreciate or respect for a long time.


Sometimes, true to some degree

Often, true to a greater degree

True to the highest degree

One shouldn't forgive colleagues for clumsy jokes.


Sometimes, true to some degree

Often, true to a greater degree

True to the highest degree

If my business partner unintentionally hurts my feelings, I nevertheless will have a grouch on him.


Sometimes, true to some degree

Often, true to a greater degree

True to the highest degree

I condemn people who cry on someone's shoulder.


Sometimes, true to some degree

Often, true to a greater degree

True to the highest degree

Internally, I don't look with favour on colleagues (friends) who start telling about their diseases when such an opportunity occurs.


Sometimes, true to some degree

Often, true to a greater degree

True to the highest degree

I try to evade a conversation when someone starts complaining about his family life.


Sometimes, true to some degree

Often, true to a greater degree

True to the highest degree

Usually, I listen to the confessions of my friends without much attention.


Sometimes, true to some degree

Often, true to a greater degree

True to the highest degree

Sometimes I like to annoy some of my relatives or friends.


Sometimes, true to some degree

Often, true to a greater degree

True to the highest degree

As a rule, it is difficult for me to make concessions with partners.


Sometimes, true to some degree

Often, true to a greater degree

True to the highest degree

It is difficult for me to get on with people who have bad temper.


Sometimes, true to some degree

Often, true to a greater degree

True to the highest degree

Usually, I hardly adapt to new partners at work.


Sometimes, true to some degree

Often, true to a greater degree

True to the highest degree

I refrain from keeping terms with several strange persons.


Sometimes, true to some degree

Often, true to a greater degree

True to the highest degree

Most often, I stand fast out of principle, even if I do understand my partner is right.


Sometimes, true to some degree

Often, true to a greater degree

True to the highest degree

High tolerance degree

You relate well with any people, like giving a fair hearing and helping them, accept oddities and peculiarities of others. It's quite easy for you to work with people in the areas of education, medicine and services. You always try to minimize the number of conflicts and seek compromises wherever it's possible. You understand that all people are different and there is no sense in the attempts of limiting them with any standards. Share the test with friends and find out their attitude towards others!

Medium tolerance degree

You try to avoid conflicts, however sometimes prefer to hold your own to the end. In general you don't mind how do other people look and what do they do - especially if they don't disturb you. You are always ready to give an ear and support friends, as far as you understand that such relationship bring people together. Share the test with friends and find out their attitude towards others!

Low tolerance degree

It is rather difficult for you to get on well with people, since you know for sure that you are the only one having just opinion. How do the rest can disagree with that fact?! Besides, you are quite prudent in evaluating other people's appearance. You hardly excuse mistakes, even if they are unintentional. You constantly try to turn others to your own views and change their opinions. Try to behave a bit softer towards others, don't forget we are all human beings with own views and notions :) Share the test with friends and find out their attitude towards others!

Zero tolerance

Your life is full of conflicts, since you cannot perceive any features that differ others from you. Appearance, thoughts, ideas and actions - all these should correspond to your ideals in the most appropriate way. You are absolutely unabe to excuse mistakes, don't like when other people express their emotions and can't conceal your discontent. Try to accept the fact all people are different and behave a bit softer towards them. In case the level of conflicts remains high, consult psychologist and work on your communication tolerance.  Share the test with friends and find out their attitude towards others!

Sluggish people usually get on my nerves.
Fussy, restless people annoy me.
It is difficult for me to bear noisy children's games.
Original non-standard persons usually set my teeth on edge.
A person who seems perfect in every respect would alert me.
Unapprehensive conversation partner usually disturbs me from equilibrium condition.
Great talkers irritate me.
I don't like talking to fellow travellers taking the initiative while I am on a train or in a plane.
I would not like to talk to an accidental co-traveller being second to me in knowlege and cultural level.
It is difficult for me to come to an understanding with partners of other intellectual level.
Modern young people make an unpleasant impression of their appearance (hairstyle, cosmetics and clothes).
Some people give me an unpleasant feeling with their lack of culture.
I don't like representatives of definite nationalities around me.
There is a type of men or women I can't bear.
I hate dealing with insufficiently qualified business partners.
I believe rude people deserve the same attitude.
It is difficult for me to conceal the fact I don't like some person.
People striving to get their way in disputes annoy me.
I don't like self-confident people.
Usually I can't refrain from making a remark to an angry or nervous person who pushes others in transport.
I am in the habit of moralizing others.
I am outraged by unmannered people.
I often catch myself trying to educate others.
I constantly make remarks to other people.
I like to boss my relatives around.
Old people using municipal transport or going shopping at rush hour annoy me.
Living with a stranger in one hotel room is the real torture for me.
When a partner somehow disagree with my position, it usually irritates me.
I get impatient when people express their objections to my words.
It irritates me when my partner works his will contrary to what I want.
Usually I hope my offenders will get what they deserve.
Grumpiness is against the hair.
I remember offences caused by ones I appreciate or respect for a long time.
One shouldn't forgive colleagues for clumsy jokes.
If my business partner unintentionally hurts my feelings, I nevertheless will have a grouch on him.
I condemn people who cry on someone's shoulder.
Internally, I don't look with favour on colleagues (friends) who start telling about their diseases when such an opportunity occurs.
I try to evade a conversation when someone starts complaining about his family life.
Usually, I listen to the confessions of my friends without much attention.
Sometimes I like to annoy some of my relatives or friends.
As a rule, it is difficult for me to make concessions with partners.
It is difficult for me to get on with people who have bad temper.
Usually, I hardly adapt to new partners at work.
I refrain from keeping terms with several strange persons.
Most often, I stand fast out of principle, even if I do understand my partner is right.

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