How Well Do You Know "Dear White People" Series?

How Well Do You Know "Dear White People" Series?

Dear White People is a satiric television series on Netflix that follows several black college students at an Ivy League school responding to growing racial tensions. Have you already watched a few episodes? Let's check if you remember the plot and characters well!

Does the Ivy League institution shown in Dear White People exist in real life?

What is the series based on?

A real story

A book

An older movie

A comic book

Is it true that the film and the series are written and directed by the same person?

When was the first seaon released?





How many seasons does the series have?





Will there be the fourth season?

Logan Browning plays Samantha White, a college student trying to wake people up to the social issues. Logan is an actress, but she has never played in a movie. Is it true?

Brandon P. Bell plays Troy Fairbanks. Did he also appear in the original movie Dear White People?

How many episodes does each season include?





The initial trailer for the TV show attracted some angry responses. What was the reason?

Accusation of racism towards white people

Accusation of racism towards black people

Accusation of sexism

Accusation of elitism

Unfamiliar with Dear White People

Judging by your answers, not only have you not heard of Netflix's Dear White People, but you also don't know a movie with the same name. Perhaps you are more attracted to other topics that are not related to social issues. However, this series deserves your attention! Send this quiz to your friends, let's see if they can do it better!

Interested in Social Issues

Judging by your answers, you have already heard about Dear White People. You are interested in topics related to social issues, so you could not miss this series. However, you didn't watch all the seasons, so many facts were unfamiliar to you. We hope that our test will inspire you to watch it! Send this quiz to your friends, let's see if they can do it better!

Winchester University Student

Judging by your answers, you have definitely heard about Dear White People. Of course, you have watched the Netflix series. But you went further and watched the original film, read articles on this topic, and so on. Now you can even be considered a participant in the events. You can pass for a student of the Winchester University! Send this quiz to your friends, let's see if they can do it better!

Does the Ivy League institution shown in Dear White People exist in real life?
1 / 10
What is the series based on?
2 / 10
Is it true that the film and the series are written and directed by the same person?
3 / 10
When was the first seaon released?
4 / 10
How many seasons does the series have?
5 / 10
Will there be the fourth season?
6 / 10
Logan Browning plays Samantha White, a college student trying to wake people up to the social issues. Logan is an actress, but she has never played in a movie. Is it true?
7 / 10
Brandon P. Bell plays Troy Fairbanks. Did he also appear in the original movie Dear White People?
8 / 10
How many episodes does each season include?
9 / 10
The initial trailer for the TV show attracted some angry responses. What was the reason?
10 / 10

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