Family Reunion Quiz: Test Your Knowledge of the McKellan Family

Family Reunion Quiz: Test Your Knowledge of the McKellan Family

Family Reunion is a comedy TV series released via streaming on Netflix. It follows the McKellan family as they travel across the United States from Seattle to Columbus for a family reunion. Family Reunion offers a timely cultural commentary, both about the past and the present. Have you already watched the show? Let's see if you remember it well!

When was the first season released?





How many seasons does the show have in total?





Cocoa McKellan is a mother who believes in new-age parenting. How many children does she have?





After a 15-year professional sport career, Moses “Moz” McKellan decides to be a true family man. Which sport did he play?





Is it true that Anthony Alabi (Moz McKellan) played football in real life too?

Loretta Devine plays M’Dear, Moz's mother. She won an award for a guest spot on Grey’s Anatomy. Do you know which one?

Emmy Award

How many episodes does the series have in total?





Cocoa McKellan has 4 children. Who is the youngest?

Jade McKellan

Shaka McKellan

Mazzi McKellan

Ami McKellan

Richard Roundtree plays Grandpa, Moz's father who is also a pastor. Is it true that Roundtree used to work as a model?

Grandpa is M'Dear's husband. For how many years?





Outside The Family Circle

It seems that you are still outside the McKellan family circle as you know almost nothing about this family. That's because you haven't watched the Netflix comedy Family Reunion yet. We are sure that as soon as you get acquainted with its members, they will charm you with their humor and positivity. So, we advise you to watch this show! Send this quiz to your friends, let's see if they can do it better!

McKellan Family Friend

It seems that you are quite familiar with the members of the McKellan family because you have probably already watched a couple of episodes of Family Reunion. Therefore, you can be considered a family friend. However, you don't remember some details, so we advise you to watch your favorite episodes again! Send this quiz to your friends, let's see if they can do it better!

McKellan Family Member

It seems that you are very familiar with the members of the McKellan family, because you have already watched all the episodes of Family Reunion. Therefore, you can be considered another member of the family. You remember all the details of the show perfectly, so you answered most of our questions correctly! Send this quiz to your friends, let's see if they can do it better!

When was the first season released?
1 / 10
How many seasons does the show have in total?
2 / 10
Cocoa McKellan is a mother who believes in new-age parenting. How many children does she have?
3 / 10
After a 15-year professional sport career, Moses “Moz” McKellan decides to be a true family man. Which sport did he play?
4 / 10
Is it true that Anthony Alabi (Moz McKellan) played football in real life too?
5 / 10
Loretta Devine plays M’Dear, Moz's mother. She won an award for a guest spot on Grey’s Anatomy. Do you know which one?
6 / 10
How many episodes does the series have in total?
7 / 10
Cocoa McKellan has 4 children. Who is the youngest?
8 / 10
Richard Roundtree plays Grandpa, Moz's father who is also a pastor. Is it true that Roundtree used to work as a model?
9 / 10
Grandpa is M'Dear's husband. For how many years?
10 / 10

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