The Baby-Sitters Club Quiz: Test Your Knowledge of the Beloved Series

The Baby-Sitters Club Quiz: Test Your Knowledge of the Beloved Series

Netflix chose to drop a brand new series called The Baby-Sitters Club and so far, it has been thriving! This enjoyable watch is a take on the beloved 80s book series, which are still appreciated by readers everywhere. Have you already watched a couple of episodes? Let's see if you remember them well!

The beloved book series is written by Ann M. Martin. When did she released the very first book of the series?





Is it true that actress Sophie Grace has never heard of the original novels?

Alicia Silverstone grew up reading The Baby-Sitters Club books. Is it true?

There is an older movie with the same name. When was it released?





How many series does the show have in total?





The series follows the friendship of five middle-schoolers as they start a babysitting business. Where is the action set?



Rhode Island


Who acts as the president of the club?

Kristy Thomas

Claudia Kishi

Stacey McGill

Mary Anne Spier

What inspired the titles of the episodes in the show?

Scenes from the 1995 movie

Characters' catchphrases

Book titles from the series

The titles hint at the content of the series

Did Alicia Silverstone like working with Sophie Grace?

Who did Sophie Grace enjoy working with the most on the set of The Baby-Sitters Club?

Jessica Elaina Eason

Xochitl Gomez

Aya Furukawa

Sophia Reid-Gantzert

Outside The Baby-Sitters Club

You know very little about The Baby-Sitters Club, so it's too early for you to become a member of it. First of all, It is necessary to learn more about the life of the five schoolgirls who founded this business. Therefore, we advise you to watch the new Netflix series. It is worthy of your attention! Send this quiz to your friends, let's see if they can do it better!

The Baby-Sitters Club Member

You've probably heard about The Baby-Sitters Club because this story is so popular. You could even become a member of it. However, your knowledge is still not enough to enter the organizing committee. To begin with, you should re-watch your favorite episodes of this show! Send this quiz to your friends, let's see if they can do it better!

The Baby-Sitters Club President

You know so much about The Baby-Sitters Club that you could become its president and manage the business yourself. You have not only watched all ten episodes of the new Netflix series but also read the original books. It seems that you really liked the story about independent teenage girls! That's why you did so well on our test! Send this quiz to your friends, let's see if they can do it better!

The beloved book series is written by Ann M. Martin. When did she released the very first book of the series?
1 / 10
Is it true that actress Sophie Grace has never heard of the original novels?
2 / 10
Alicia Silverstone grew up reading The Baby-Sitters Club books. Is it true?
3 / 10
There is an older movie with the same name. When was it released?
4 / 10
How many series does the show have in total?
5 / 10
The series follows the friendship of five middle-schoolers as they start a babysitting business. Where is the action set?
6 / 10
Who acts as the president of the club?
7 / 10
What inspired the titles of the episodes in the show?
8 / 10
Did Alicia Silverstone like working with Sophie Grace?
9 / 10
Who did Sophie Grace enjoy working with the most on the set of The Baby-Sitters Club?
10 / 10

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