Choose A Key And See What Your Subconscious Mind Is Hiding!

Choose A Key And See What Your Subconscious Mind Is Hiding!

The world of every person is like a room, a hut can hide behind a beautiful door with golden chandeliers. Sometimes it's the other way around; you open an old wooden door and find the Universe inside. Choose the key for your door to find out which world lies behind it.

Choose a key you like most

Key 1

Key 2

Key 3

Key 4

Key 5

Key 6

Key 1

Your key slightly resembles a clover leave. And your room - a rainbow. An inscription shows off on the ceiling, Whatever happens, happens for the best! There are many bright - as the walls - doors, which the owner can easily open and without realizing it in his or her joy fall into the black abyss behind the door.

Key 2

Seemingly the simplest and clearest key, but it's very hard to open the door itself, especially for outsiders. Whoever manages to get there will see that's it's tidy in the room, everything is in good order, there are no excessive little things, only what you need. And there's a box in the depth of the room. It contains something from the past that no one knows and that made your room hard-to-reach. 

Key 3

The most elaborate key immediately implies that one of the creative apartments hides behind your door. It has everything in it: carved sculptures, imperessive pictures, blank easels waiting for the master and a heap of other items for creativity. A huge antique couch crowns this creative feast. Here you spend most of your time - just lying around looking at blank easels.

Key 4

With such a strong and reliable key, you'll become the person who'll be able to open not only his door but someone else's doors to other universes. There are no obstacles in your way, you' always achieve what you want. There's most important thing in your room - your wall of fame name.

Key 5

Well, it's not a simple room, however, as much as the key. There are many interesting things inside: rare copies of books, ancient relics, trophies from travels and a giant scroll with the rules of staying in your apartment. Whoever violates your complicated and unclear rules - get away from the house!

Key 6

You've chosen a classic key. And your room is good old classics, rather old than good. It seems you're not aware or just don't accept innovations, you don't like to leave the territory of your possessions all the more.

Choose a key you like most
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