Welcome to the Shirobako Anime Quiz! Shirobako is a popular anime television series that follows a group of young women as they navigate the world of anime production. With its relatable characters, engaging storyline, and behind-the-scenes look at the anime industry, Shirobako has become a fan favorite. Whether you're a die-hard fan or a newcomer to the series, this quiz is sure to test your knowledge of all things Shirobako. So put on your thinking caps and get ready to show off your expertise in this exciting world of anime production!
What is the name of the animation studio in Shirobako?
P.A. Works
Musashino Animation
Studio Ghibli
What is the name of the character who is the chief animation director of The Third Aerial Girls Squad?
Misa Todo
Shun Watanabe
Rinko Ogasawara
Erika Yano
What is the name of the character who works as a production assistant on The Third Aerial Girls Squad?
Midori Imai
Ema Yasuhara
Shizuka Sakaki
Ai Kunogi
What is the name of the character who works as a 3D animator in Musashino Animation?
Yutaka Honda
Tatsuya Ochiai
Tarou Takanashi
Seiichi Kinoshita
What is the name of the anime that the characters in Shirobako are working on in the first half of the series?
The Third Aerial Girls Squad
Andes Chucky
Love Story
What is the name of the production assistant who works with Aoi Miyamori?
Shizuka Sakaki
Ai Kunogi
Ema Yasuhara
Midori Imai
What is the name of the anime that Musashino Animation is producing in the second half of the series?
The Third Aerial Girls Squad
Andes Chucky
Love Story
What is the name of the voice actress who plays the character of Aria in The Third Aerial Girls Squad?
Akane Koumoto
Yuka Iguchi
Haruka Tomatsu
Kana Hanazawa
What is the name of the character who works as a key animator in Musashino Animation?
Ema Yasuhara
Yumi Iguchi
Midori Imai
Misa Todo
What is the name of the anime that the character Tatsuya Ochiai worked on before joining Musashino Animation?
The Third Aerial Girls Squad
Andes Chucky
Love Story
What is the name of the director who is in charge of The Third Aerial Girls Squad?
Seiichi Kinoshita
Masato Marukawa
Taro Takanashi
Yutaka Honda
Very impressive!
Great job on the Shirobako anime quiz! Your high score is a testament to your knowledge and love for this insightful and entertaining series.
There is still room for improvement!
It's okay if you didn't do as well as you hoped on this quiz. It's important to remember that everyone has room for improvement and it's a great opportunity to learn something new. Take some time to study the material and try again. With practice and dedication, you'll be able to do better next time. Don't give up!