Welcome to The Wind Rises quiz, where we will explore the poignant world of this breathtaking anime film. The Wind Rises follows Jiro Horikoshi, a young airplane engineer who dreams of creating the perfect flying machine, against the backdrop of World War II. With its stunning animation, powerful themes, and nuanced characters, The Wind Rises is a fitting swan song for anime legend Hayao Miyazaki. So, if you think you have what it takes to soar to new heights and create something truly beautiful, take our quiz and put your knowledge to the test!
In what city does The Wind Rises take place?
What is the profession of the main character in The Wind Rises?
Airplane designer
What inspired the main character to become an airplane designer?
A dream
His father's wishes
His love for aviation
A school project
What is the name of the love interest of the main character in The Wind Rises?
Who is Jiro's mentor in The Wind Rises?
Mr. Caproni
What is the name of the disease that Naoko suffers from in The Wind Rises?
Parkinson's disease
What is the title of the book that Jiro reads in The Wind Rises?
The Little Prince
The Tale of Genji
The Brothers Karamazov
The Great Gatsby
Who voices the character of Jiro in the English dub of The Wind Rises?
Christian Bale
Johnny Depp
Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Leonardo DiCaprio
What is the significance of the title The Wind Rises?
It refers to the protagonist's love of flying
It is a metaphor for the protagonist's dreams
It is a reference to a line in a poem by Paul Val?ry
It is a tribute to the film's director, Hayao Miyazaki
What is the name of the aircraft that Jiro designed in The Wind Rises?
The Mitsubishi Zero
The Nakajima Ki-43
The A6M Reisen
The J7W Shinden
Who composed the score for The Wind Rises?
Joe Hisaishi
Yoko Kanno
Kenji Kawai
Hiroyuki Sawano
What is the name of Jiro's colleague who helps him with his designs in The Wind Rises?
Mr. Caproni
Very impressive!
Well done on your amazing score in The Wind Rises anime quiz! Your appreciation for the thought-provoking and beautifully animated story of this anime movie is truly admirable.
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