Ready to explore the dark side of humanity? Take this Ode to Kirihito quiz and test your knowledge of Osamu Tezuka's medical thriller!

Ready to explore the dark side of humanity? Take this Ode to Kirihito quiz and test your knowledge of Osamu Tezuka's medical thriller!

Welcome to the Ode to Kirihito manga quiz! Ode to Kirihito is a Japanese manga series that follows the story of a young doctor who uncovers a conspiracy involving a mysterious disease and a powerful pharmaceutical company.

Test your knowledge of this thought-provoking and socially conscious manga and see how much you remember about the characters, plot, and medical themes in Ode to Kirihito. Good luck!

What is the name of the protagonist in Ode to Kirihito?

Kirihito Osanai

Takeshi Nakamura

Shiro Kanzaki

Kenji Fujita

What is Kirihito's profession at the beginning of the story?





In what country does most of the story take place?



United States


What is the name of the virus that Kirihito is researching?


Kirihito virus

Ochiai virus


What is the name of the disease caused by the virus?

Kirihito disease

Ochiai disease

Kanzaki disease

Nakamura syndrome

What is the name of the woman who Kirihito falls in love with?





What is the name of the hospital where Kirihito works?

Teito Medical University Hospital

Tokyo University Hospital

Osaka University Hospital

Kyoto University Hospital

Who is the director of the hospital?

Dr. Tatsugaura

Dr. Ochiai

Dr. Kirihito

Dr. Tezuka

What is the name of the man who takes care of Kirihito after he is abandoned in the mountains?





Who is the founder of the cult that Kirihito encounters in China?

Zhang Liao

Dong Zhuo

Lu Bu

Taoist master

What is the name of the medical treatment that the cult uses?


Herbal medicine



What is the name of the drug that Kirihito uses to cure Ochiai disease?




APTX 4869

Who is the author of Ode to Kirihito?

Osamu Tezuka

Takehiko Inoue

Naoki Urasawa

Fumi Yoshinaga

What other manga series is Osamu Tezuka famous for?

One Piece


Dragon Ball

Astro Boy

When was Ode to Kirihito originally published in Japan?





Very impressive!

Congratulations on your superb score in the Ode to Kirihito manga! Your dedication to the story and your appreciation of the art style have resulted in a fantastic achievement.  

There is still room for improvement!

It's okay if you didn't do as well as you hoped on this quiz. It's important to remember that everyone has room for improvement and it's a great opportunity to learn something new.  Take some time to study the material and try again. With practice and dedication, you'll be able to do better next time. Don't give up!

What is the name of the protagonist in Ode to Kirihito?
1 / 15
What is Kirihito's profession at the beginning of the story?
2 / 15
In what country does most of the story take place?
3 / 15
What is the name of the virus that Kirihito is researching?
4 / 15
What is the name of the disease caused by the virus?
5 / 15
What is the name of the woman who Kirihito falls in love with?
6 / 15
What is the name of the hospital where Kirihito works?
7 / 15
Who is the director of the hospital?
8 / 15
What is the name of the man who takes care of Kirihito after he is abandoned in the mountains?
9 / 15
Who is the founder of the cult that Kirihito encounters in China?
10 / 15
What is the name of the medical treatment that the cult uses?
11 / 15
What is the name of the drug that Kirihito uses to cure Ochiai disease?
12 / 15
Who is the author of Ode to Kirihito?
13 / 15
What other manga series is Osamu Tezuka famous for?
14 / 15
When was Ode to Kirihito originally published in Japan?
15 / 15

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