Welcome to the Hellsing anime quiz! Hellsing is a Japanese animated television series that follows the story of a vampire named Alucard who works for a secret organization that fights supernatural threats to England. Test your knowledge of this action-packed and bloodthirsty anime and see how much you remember about the characters, plot, and supernatural elements in Hellsing. Good luck!
What is the name of the organization that Alucard works for in Hellsing?
The Order of the Black Cross
The Hellsing Organization
The Iscariot Organization
The Millenium Group
What is the name of the religious organization that opposes Alucard in Hellsing?
The Vatican
The Protestant Church
The Iscariot Organization
The Anglican Church
What is the name of the young police officer who is turned into a vampire in Hellsing?
Heinkel Wolfe
Seras Victoria
Yumie Takagi
Rip van Winkle
What is the name of the powerful vampire who opposes Alucard in Hellsing?
Jan Valentine
The Major
Alexander Anderson
What is the name of the mercenary who works for the Hellsing Organization in Hellsing?
Walter C. Dornez
Luke Valentine
Tubalcain Alhambra
What is the name of the werewolf who assists the Hellsing Organization in Hellsing?
Heinkel Wolfe
Yumie Takagi
The Captain
Zorin Blitz
What is the name of the female vampire who is Alucard's rival in Hellsing?
Rip van Winkle
Integra Hellsing
Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing
Seras Victoria
What is the name of the Nazi organization that opposes the Hellsing Organization in Hellsing?
The Order of the Black Cross
The Millennium Group
The Vatican
The Iscariot Organization
What is the name of the artificial vampire who serves as the final antagonist in Hellsing Ultimate?
The Major
The Captain
What is the name of the ancient vampire who turned Alucard into a vampire in Hellsing?
Abraham Van Helsing
Vlad Tepes Dracula
The Crimson Fucker
Countess Carmilla Karnstein
What is the name of the demon who serves as Alucard's familiar in Hellsing?
What is the name of the cyborg who works for the Iscariot Organization in Hellsing?
Enrico Maxwell
Heinkel Wolfe
Yumie Takagi
Alexander Anderson
Very impressive!
Congratulations on your exceptional score in the Hellsing anime quiz! Your deep understanding of the show's gothic themes and characters is truly commendable.
There is still room for improvement!
It's okay if you didn't do as well as you hoped on this quiz. It's important to remember that everyone has room for improvement and it's a great opportunity to learn something new. Take some time to study the material and try again. With practice and dedication, you'll be able to do better next time. Don't give up!