Rise to Power: Augustus Edition - A Quiz to Determine Your Ruler Potential!

Rise to Power: Augustus Edition - A Quiz to Determine Your Ruler Potential!

    Augustus was the first emperor of the Roman Empire, ruling from 27 BC until his death in AD 14. He rose to power in the aftermath of a civil war and is widely credited with establishing the framework for the Roman Empire, ushering in an era of peace, prosperity, and stability that lasted for centuries. Augustus' life and legacy continue to inspire and captivate people to this day, making him a popular subject of study and interest. This quiz is designed to test your knowledge of Augustus and his life, empire, and impact on the world. Whether you are a history buff, a student, or simply someone who wants to learn more about this legendary figure, this quiz will provide an engaging and informative experience. So, get ready to put your knowledge to the test and discover the fascinating world of Augustus!    

When was Augustus born?

63 BC

23 BC

14 AD

63 AD

Who was Augustus' great-uncle and adopted father?

Julius Caesar

Mark Antony



Who did Augustus defeat in the Battle of Actium?

Julius Caesar

Mark Antony



What was Augustus' title?





Who was Augustus' wife?



Livia Drusilla


What was Augustus' role in the Roman government?





What was Augustus' major accomplishment?

The Roman Empire

The Roman Republic

The Roman Conquest

The Roman Civilization

How did Augustus die?


Natural causes

Battle wounds


Who was Augustus' adopted son and successor?

Julius Caesar

Mark Antony



What was Augustus' biggest political achievement?

The Roman Republic

The Roman Empire

The Pax Romana

The Roman Conquest

What was Augustus' contribution to Roman literature?

The Iliad

The Aeneid

The Odyssey

The Republic

What was Augustus' contribution to Roman architecture?

The Colosseum

The Pantheon

The Roman Forum

The Circus Maximus

Well Done!

    Your score on Augustus demonstrates your grasp of the life and legacy of Rome's first emperor, who transformed the Roman Republic into a stable and powerful empire.     

Next Time Around: Your Augustus Quiz Performance

    Unfortunately, you did not reach a high score in the Augustus quiz. While it's not uncommon to miss some questions, there is still a lot of room for improvement and learning. Why not take a look at some additional resources to help you expand your knowledge and perhaps try taking the quiz again in the future? Keep up the good work!                                                                         

When was Augustus born?
1 / 12
Who was Augustus' great-uncle and adopted father?
2 / 12
Who did Augustus defeat in the Battle of Actium?
3 / 12
What was Augustus' title?
4 / 12
Who was Augustus' wife?
5 / 12
What was Augustus' role in the Roman government?
6 / 12
What was Augustus' major accomplishment?
7 / 12
How did Augustus die?
8 / 12
Who was Augustus' adopted son and successor?
9 / 12
What was Augustus' biggest political achievement?
10 / 12
What was Augustus' contribution to Roman literature?
11 / 12
What was Augustus' contribution to Roman architecture?
12 / 12

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