How Well Do You Know the Rules of Rugby?

How Well Do You Know the Rules of Rugby?
Official rugby rules were approved 150 years ago. To make the play more entertaining and dynamic, amendments and additions are introduced into them periodically, although the basics stay the same. This game hasn't managed to gain the popularity of football or hockey yet. However, it steadily attracts more and more fans. Let's check how well you know it!

How long does a rugby match last?

A rugby match consists of two times by 40 minutes each with a 5-10 minutes break. Additional time is possible - 2 times for 10 minutes.

Two times by 30 minutes

One time by 60 minutes

Two times by 40 minutes

Three times by 20 minutes

How many points does the team get for a try?

A try is 5 points. It is scored when a player touches the ball down inside the opposition's in-goal area between the try line and dead ball line.

3 points

5 points

2 points

6 points

What is a drop goal?

A drop goal is 3 points. It is scored by drop kicking the ball over the crossbar and between the goalposts. After the kick, the ball must not touch the ground before it goes over and through, although it may touch the crossbar. The play restarts with a kick from halfway.

Drop kicking the ball over the crossbar and between the goalposts

A goal into your gate

Drop kicking the ball from hands over the crossbar and between the goalposts

Bringing the ball to the goal line

What is the field size for rugby?

The rugby field is rectangular with the dimenstions of 100 m x 70 m (144 x 70 taking into account goal areas) and grass surface. 

120 x 50 m

100 x 100 m

90 x 130 m

100 x 70 m

What is the meaning of a scrum?

A scrum is a means of restarting play after a minor infringement or stopping the play. It involves up to eight players from each team, known as the pack or forward pack, binding together in three rows and interlocking with the free opposing teams forwards. The ball is fed into the gap between the two forward packs and they both compete for the ball to win possession.

Hit the opponent's gate

Earn as many points as possible

Restart play after a stop

Catch the ball right after the opponent's kicking

In what case should a player shout "Mark!"?

To mark a ball, the player must catch the ball inside his own team's twenty-two metre line. The mark is performed by a player, making a clean catch and shouting "Mark!". Then the marking player takes a free-kick.

Simultaneously with catching the ball after the opponent's kick

In case of the failed end of ruck

When a player holding the ball falls on the ground

When the ball leaves the field through the side line after kicking

How many players are on the field from each team?

15 people from each team play on the field (18-22 players can be initially announced for the play): 8 offensive players and 7 defensive players, each with his playing role.

11 people

6 people

15 people

10 people

When is a scrum considered finished?

A scrum is considered finished when the ball comes out of the scrum in any direction except the tunnel.

When the ball comes out in the direction of the defensive team

At the end of 10 minutes after the scrum began

After a referee's sign

When the ball comes out of the scrum in any direction except the tunnel

How is a penalty kick forbidden to do?

It can be a drop kick, a kick from the hand, from the ground with any part of the leg below the knee, but not with the knee or heel.

Drop kick

From the hands

With the knee

What does offside mean?

The offside term means that a player is in a position when he has no right to play: otherwise, that player will be penalised. The offside position in an open play means that a player is further forward than the team mate who is carrying the ball or the team mate who last played the ball.

A situation when a player attacks the opponent

A sportsman is further forward than the team mate who is carrying the ball

The ball touches the side line or ground behind it

A situation when a player steps on the side line

Beginner at rugby

You're a true pro! You are great at this sport even in spite of the fact that it's not so popular. You know all the subtle moments for sure, and friends always listen to your opinion. What are you waiting for? You need to start playing. In an amateur or professional way - it doesn't matter, you have a talent! Tell your friends about this quiz. How will they pull it through?

Theory expert

You're a true expert in terms of theory in this sport even in spite of the fact that it's not so popular. However, you clearly lack practice. In addition, it's worth to learn a couple of techniques. What are you waiting for? You need to start playing. In an amateur or professional way - it doesn't matter, you have potential! Tell your friends about this quiz. How will they pull it through?

Accidental observer

It seems you know rugby only by name and watch it only when other sports matches annoy you. Even the basic rules baffle you. But it can be fixed. You just need to improve your theory and train the learned techniques in practice. The rugby player's career is yet to come! Tell your friends about this quiz. How will they pull it through?

How long does a rugby match last?
1 / 10
How many points does the team get for a try?
2 / 10
What is a drop goal?
3 / 10
What is the field size for rugby?
4 / 10
What is the meaning of a scrum?
5 / 10
In what case should a player shout "Mark!"?
6 / 10
How many players are on the field from each team?
7 / 10
When is a scrum considered finished?
8 / 10
How is a penalty kick forbidden to do?
9 / 10
What does offside mean?
10 / 10

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