Welcome to the Kizumonogatari anime quiz! Kizumonogatari is a Japanese animated film trilogy, which is a prequel to the Bakemonogatari anime series. The story follows Koyomi Araragi, a high school student who becomes involved with the supernatural after a chance encounter with a vampire. Test your knowledge of this dark and mysterious tale and see how much you remember about the characters, plot, and supernatural elements in Kizumonogatari. Good luck!
Who helps Araragi in his quest to return Kiss-Shot to her former state?
Hanekawa Tsubasa
Oshino Meme
Kagenui Yozuru
Gaen Izuko
What is the name of the sword that Araragi must collect to help Kiss-Shot?
Who is the first vampire that Araragi encounters in Kizumonogatari?
Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade
What is the name of the first movie in the Kizumonogatari trilogy?
What is Araragi's motivation for helping Kiss-Shot?
He wants to become a vampire himself
He wants to impress Hanekawa Tsubasa
He feels responsible for her current state
He is being paid to do it
What is the name of the special ability that Kiss-Shot possesses?
Time Stop
Space Warp
Mind Control
Who directed the Kizumonogatari anime movies?
Akiyuki Shinbo
Tatsuya Oishi
Toshiki Hirano
Naoyuki Tatsuwa
Who is the voice actor for Araragi Koyomi in the Kizumonogatari anime movies?
Hiroshi Kamiya
Mamoru Miyano
Jun Fukuyama
Daisuke Ono
What is the name of the town where the events of Kizumonogatari take place?
What is the name of the girl who Araragi meets at the beginning of Kizumonogatari?
Hachikuji Mayoi
Kanbaru Suruga
Senjougahara Hitagi
Hanekawa Tsubasa
Very impressive!
Well done on the Kizumonogatari anime quiz! Your outstanding score showcases your knowledge and appreciation of this visually stunning and emotionally charged movie.
There is still room for improvement!
It's okay if you didn't do as well as you hoped on this quiz. It's important to remember that everyone has room for improvement and it's a great opportunity to learn something new. Take some time to study the material and try again. With practice and dedication, you'll be able to do better next time. Don't give up!