Self-Improvement & Personal Development Quiz – Assess Your Growth

Self-Improvement & Personal Development Quiz – Assess Your Growth

Every person needs to develop and improve harmoniously in their lifetime. Education, sports and physical culture, foreign languages, creativity: all of these make us better and stronger! Let's check what your developmental level is!

When did you last read a book?

Last week

Last month

A year ago

I don't read at all

How often do you go to a gym/swimming pool/athletics field?

Several times a week

Several times a month

Several times a year

Don't go to at all

Your education...

I scarcely graduated high school

Vocational secondary education

Higher education

Several degrees/post-graduate education

Which of these definitions do not fit the word voluntarism?

The tendency to achieve desired purposes without regard for external circumstances and probable consequences

An idealistic trend in philosophy crediting the primary role in the development of nature and society to the will of God or humans

A political position according to which all the forms of human association should be as voluntary as possible

Introducing an antigenic material to induce immunity to a disease

How many languages do you know?




Over 2

What hypothesis did Grigori perelman prove?


Hypothetic hypothesis

Perelman hypothesis

Poincare hypothesis

Equivalent force equal to 2 H acts on a body with a mass of 5 kg. With what acceleration does the body move?

0,4 m/s

2,5 m/s

10 m/s

When was the last tiem you went to the theatre /museum?

Last week

Last month

A year ago

I don't go to them at all

You're still evolving in Homo Sapiens

You have only started the evolution way into Homo Sapiens. Don't stop - you already do a lot of things well but you have to pull socks up to force the process! Let's check what result your friends will have. Show them this test and compare results!

An average level of development

You have an average level of development: you won't set the Thames on fire but the solution of everyday tasks is not difficult for you! Probably, no one could equal you in some aspects, but others are your soft spot. Harmonious development is important! Let's check what result your friends will have. Show them this test and compare results!

A high level of development

You have a high level of development. In some aspects, you give a head start to the majority of your friends and people you know. However, there are probably several soft spots you need to work on and then the Nobel prize or Olympic championship will be around the corner! Let's check what result your friends will have. Show them this test and compare results!

A Genius of Renaissance

You have a very high level of development. You're harmoniously developed, have perfect abilities and skills in various fields and areas! Let's check what result your friends will have. Show them this test and compare results!

When did you last read a book?
1 / 8
How often do you go to a gym/swimming pool/athletics field?
2 / 8
Your education...
3 / 8
Which of these definitions do not fit the word voluntarism?
4 / 8
How many languages do you know?
5 / 8
What hypothesis did Grigori perelman prove?
6 / 8
Equivalent force equal to 2 H acts on a body with a mass of 5 kg. With what acceleration does the body move?
7 / 8
When was the last tiem you went to the theatre /museum?
8 / 8

Calculating results...

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