Hikikomori Test – Do You Have Social Phobia? Take the Quiz

Hikikomori Test – Do You Have Social Phobia? Take the Quiz
Hikki is a Japanese term denoting people who reject social life and often aim for an extreme degree of social isolation. We will help you to find out how much sociopathy you have and how long you can stay in your room.

How many close friends do you have?

A couple. I don't need more

Don't have

Seven. No, ten! Wait! Fifteen!

From friends to family. What are your relations with relatives?

Much the same as everybody

Very warm. We talk every day

I rarely see them

What melody is set on your phone as a ringtone?

Don't know, nobody calls me

My favorite song

The standard melody

What does scare you?

Lots to do, which I ignore

Stupid people

Loneliness and boredom

Choose the color you like most:

Dark blue



Is it easy to distract you?

Very easy. Any sound and I switch my attention

Depends on what I'm doing

No way, if I do something, it's serious

What do you see in this picture?


Two faces

Something unclear

How much do you like your room?

Super! I can spend years there without leaving it!

I don’t spend much time at home, that’s why I don’t care

It’s great. There is a TV , a couch and a fridge there. What else?

Friends invite you to someone's birthday party. Will you go?

Should I?

No, of course not. Why do I need it?

Of course. It doesn't even matter whose birthday it is

Have you noticed that you have a favorite gesture?

I cross my hands on my chest

I don't pay attention to it

Yeah, I take a broom

How do you prefer to communicate?

You can call. Why leave home?

To meet and discuss everything

There are text messages. Short and clear

Who are you in your dreams?

CEO of a large company

A solitary philosopher

Well, I don't have a plan yet

How will you spend your long-awaited weekend?

I'll stay in, read, then a movie

I'll meet with friends or just take a walk

I'll fall on the couch and will lie there all day long. Perfect!

You're a classical hikki

Certainly, many people experience stress interacting with the world around, however, in your case it results in such phenomena as complete long self-isolation. It seems you can stay in your apartment or even room for years and feel good. We wish we'd all had this self-sufficiency! But all kidding aside, tell your friends about your result, it's time to brighten up!

You're just lazy

Maybe, you're a hikki deep inside. But it seems you're just lazy to leave the room and do something. We're here to disappoint you - lying on the couch and watching videos with cats on Youtube is not what the hikki concept means. It's better to tell your friends about your result, it's time to brighten up!

Energy overfills you!

It seems you don't know what does it mean to be a hikki. You can't sit still for a minute, let alone in isolation and in a hermitage. Energy overfills you, and your whole nature seeks adventure. Don't be lonely, tell your friends about your result, it's time to brighten up!

How many close friends do you have?
1 / 13
From friends to family. What are your relations with relatives?
2 / 13
What melody is set on your phone as a ringtone?
3 / 13
What does scare you?
4 / 13
Choose the color you like most:
5 / 13
Is it easy to distract you?
6 / 13
What do you see in this picture?
7 / 13
How much do you like your room?
8 / 13
Friends invite you to someone's birthday party. Will you go?
9 / 13
Have you noticed that you have a favorite gesture?
10 / 13
How do you prefer to communicate?
11 / 13
Who are you in your dreams?
12 / 13
How will you spend your long-awaited weekend?
13 / 13

Calculating results...

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