Why Am I Lonely? Take This Quiz to Understand the Root of Your Loneliness

Why Am I Lonely? Take This Quiz to Understand the Root of Your Loneliness
Sometimes it seems that the world turns its back on you and doesn't want to interact at all. Relationships don't last and friendship brings no joy. Take this test to realize what stops you from finding close ones.

How do you think, what's the most important thing in a relationship?

To make them stable, I have no time sorting dramas and fights out

To feel as much independence as possible

Everything matters! And everything should be perfect

No regretting when you compare it with the previous relationships

You're going to the restaurant for the first date. What to dress better?

A splendid evening dress. The first date should be the most beautiful one!

A white blouse and a skirt. I'll hardly get home and change after meeting

Something I wear casually. I don't want to turn the first date into a red carpet event.

What did I wear the last time? Here it is, I'll put on the same dress, it brings luck

What phrase does better describe you in a relationship?

Always strive for the better

He who didn't understand his past didn't understand anything

I'll think about it tomorrow

The most faithful friend is my favorite business

Where would you go to right now?

I always go to the same place, it's cozy and has a lot of memories

I'll go where I've already been. Don't want to disappoint in something new

To suburbs to be able to come back quickly if something happens

To the beautiful seaside

When you get old, you'd like to tell your grandchildren about

Achieved goals

The mistakes they shouldn't make

An incredibly beautiful love story

My wonderful memories

You with your significant other are choosing a movie for tonight. What would you recommend?

The Devil Wears Prada

The Fault in Our Stars

Vicky Cristina Barcelona

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Imagine you are at the restaurant. Slow music starts playing. At this point you...

Are be buried in thought

Blush because of embarrassment and lower your eyes

Imagine how you'll waltz in public

I'll keep talking as if nothing happens. I don't care about dancing

What can make you happy after a long and hard business say?

A good massage or bath

Sometimes I flip through old albums

Working out

Reading a book alone

What would you call a toxic relationship?

When it's on my mind all the time

When you don't trust your partner fully, are often jealous

I cannot have some toxic relationships!

When I think that it was not the case the last time

If he offers to continue the date after the restaurant, what would you say?

It turns out that the man you like is married. What are your thoughts?

This is a wrong man

Not a big deal, I have no time to sort it out. Next!

There… always the way!

Yes, it often happens. I almost lost all hope

Hard work and constant busyness

One of the possible reasons for loneliness is that you devote a lot of time to your job and almost forget about your personal life. If you like a squirrel in a cage run to work from the early morning, tired do errands or work out in the evening and get home late — without a desire to see and hear anyone, the odds of meeting someone who would take care of you and be with your are not great. There's the only way out - you just need to make time every week when you devote it to your personal life.

The fear of loneliness and loss

You meet, go on the first date, second... then he disappears without explaining reasons. The relationships start but have no desired continuation. This way you may fall into a trap of stereotypes and start experiencing the fear of staying alone, being afraid of affection and any demonstrations of feelings. It deprives you of your charm and new meetings don't happen. The roots of the fear: negative past experience, low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence, stereotypes. Strengthening of self-belief and working on self-esteem are the only way out.

The image of a perfect man

Many women make the same mistake - they believe they can find their perfect man right away and try to look for a prince charming. They make up lists of characteristics he should meet and then as if put new persons into the cardboard pattern. Of course, there are no such perfect candidates — everyone has his virtues and shortcomings. The solution to this problem can be acceptance of all the features of your significant other, heart-to-heart conversations and realizing that there's no need to aim for the ideal.

The trap of past experience

Most likely, you bear the burden of the past relationship. Everyone had unfortunate experiences, pain and suffering. But some draw conclusions, move forward and achieve happiness and the others lose heart and say "No more! Never!" and so on. Of course, after a painful parting you need to let it out, take time, but you don't need to translate this experience into every new meeting, leave all these unpleasant moments in the past.

How do you think, what's the most important thing in a relationship?
1 / 11
You're going to the restaurant for the first date. What to dress better?
2 / 11
What phrase does better describe you in a relationship?
3 / 11
Where would you go to right now?
4 / 11
When you get old, you'd like to tell your grandchildren about
5 / 11
You with your significant other are choosing a movie for tonight. What would you recommend?
6 / 11
Imagine you are at the restaurant. Slow music starts playing. At this point you...
7 / 11
What can make you happy after a long and hard business say?
8 / 11
What would you call a toxic relationship?
9 / 11
If he offers to continue the date after the restaurant, what would you say?
10 / 11
It turns out that the man you like is married. What are your thoughts?
11 / 11

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