Test Your PHP Skills – Intermediate Level

Test Your PHP Skills – Intermediate Level
The PHP language is one of the most popular languages of web development. This quiz includes various questions on basic subjects that a Middle developer should be good at. Ready to check your knowledge? Let's get started!

What index the "text" element will have in the next array?




What does the w+ flag of the fopen function do?

Creates and opens only for writing; puts the cursor at the beginning of the file

Opens a file for reading and writing; puts the cursor in the beginning of the file and cuts the file to zero length. If the file doesn’t exist – tries to create it

Opens a file for reading and writing; puts the cursor in the beginning of the file

What value will be in the $_POST['color'] variable after sending the next form?



array("blue", "green", "red")

How to get data about cookies?

Using the $__COOKIE__ variable

Using the getcookie() function

Through the $_COOKIE global array

What SPL functions start from the f prefix?

Work with files

Work with numbers of the float type

It's impossible to define

It is right that PHP completely complies with the principles of OOP?



How do you make several queries?

mysqli_query($q1); mysqli_query($q2);

mysqli_multi_query($q1, $q2);

mysqli_query($q1, $q2);

To where are the user's cookies transmitted?

In the heading

In the body

Not transmitted

What does the explode() function do?

Clears the memory occupied by a string

Splits a string based on a string delimeter

Raises to the power

What statement is right?

It’s impossible to call a function in PHP through a variable

PHP doesn’t support multiple inheritance

There’s static typization in PHP

What operator doesn't exist in PHP?




How do you select data from a table?

Using the SQL FIND statement

Using the SQL SELECT statement

Using the Select(); function

For what are mb functions?

For work with large numbers

For work with special characters

For work with multibyte strings

What is a recursive function?

Function, which returns no values

Function with a cycle

Function, whih can call itself from the inside

Is there an error in the next code?



You don't have knowledge necessary for the level of Junior PHP developer

Probably, you've only started to learn the language and don't know important subjects yet. Make sure to devote enough time to both theory and practice, and you'll definitely succeed!  Share the quiz with friends to find out their level :)

Junior PHP Developer

You know the language at the Junior level, but more complex problems could leave you at your wit's end. Pay special attention to the subjects where you made mistakes and you'll definitely succeed!  Share the quiz with friends to find out their level :)

Middle PHP Developer

You answered all quiz questions right, it means you can handle the majority of PHP problems :) But don't rest on oars! Keep learning more complex issues and nuances of the language, enhance your knowledge! Share the quiz with friends to find out their level :)

What index the "text" element will have in the next array?
1 / 15
What does the w+ flag of the fopen function do?
2 / 15
What value will be in the $_POST['color'] variable after sending the next form?
3 / 15
How to get data about cookies?
4 / 15
What SPL functions start from the f prefix?
5 / 15
It is right that PHP completely complies with the principles of OOP?
6 / 15
How do you make several queries?
7 / 15
To where are the user's cookies transmitted?
8 / 15
What does the explode() function do?
9 / 15
What statement is right?
10 / 15
What operator doesn't exist in PHP?
11 / 15
How do you select data from a table?
12 / 15
For what are mb functions?
13 / 15
What is a recursive function?
14 / 15
Is there an error in the next code?
15 / 15

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