How Well Do You Know the Human Brain? Take the Brain Knowledge Quiz!

How Well Do You Know the Human Brain? Take the Brain Knowledge Quiz!
The human brain is the main part of the nervous system that controls the impulses necessary for the body to work. It has a complicated structure, and scientists still don’t know all the secrets it hides. Let’s find out if you have a good knowledge of this important organ!

Let’s start with a simple question. Which of these regulates the work of the whole body?

The spinal cord


The brain

The white matter

How many billions of neurons our brain has?





What are the neurons?

The white matter

The gray matter

The spinal cord

The cerebellum

Which of these membranes has NO relation to the brain?

Transparent mater

Pia mater

Arachnoid mater

Dura mater

How many pairs of cranial nerves are there in the human body?





Which of these parts has NO relation to the brain?

The cerebrum

The forebrain

The metencephalon

The medulla

Which part consists of the thalamus and the hypothalamus?

The metencephalon

The midbrain

The medulla

The diencephalon

The cerebellum controls:





Which of these is the continuation of the spinal cord?

The midbrain

The metencephalon

The medulla

The cerebrum

Which of these is NOT a part of the brainstem?

The cerebellum

The pons

The medulla

The diencephalon

Training is required

Seems like you know nothing about the structure of the brain and its functions. You were able to correctly answer the easiest questions only. Apparently, anatomy is not your strength, and you’re more interested in other fields! However, each person should have at least basic knowledge of such an important organ. Hopefully, you could learn interesting facts during this test! Will your friends do better? Share this link to test their knowledge!

Fan of anatomy

Seems like you know a couple of facts about the structure of the brain and its functions. You were able to correctly answer most of the questions. And there weren’t the easy ones! Of course, it’s not enough to think about career in medicine, but your knowledge of anatomy deserves praise. At least, you have basic knowledge of such an important organ. Hopefully, you could learn interesting facts during this test as well! Will your friends do better? Share this link to test their knowledge!

Promising neurosurgeon

Seems like you perfectly know the structure of the brain and its functions. You were able to correctly answer most of the questions. And there weren’t the easy ones! You might just be interested in anatomy or like to learn new information about your body. The fact is: you have great knowledge of such an important organ. Hopefully, you could learn interesting facts during this test as well! Will your friends do better? Share this link to test their knowledge!

Let’s start with a simple question. Which of these regulates the work of the whole body?
1 / 10
How many billions of neurons our brain has?
2 / 10
What are the neurons?
3 / 10
Which of these membranes has NO relation to the brain?
4 / 10
How many pairs of cranial nerves are there in the human body?
5 / 10
Which of these parts has NO relation to the brain?
6 / 10
Which part consists of the thalamus and the hypothalamus?
7 / 10
The cerebellum controls:
8 / 10
Which of these is the continuation of the spinal cord?
9 / 10
Which of these is NOT a part of the brainstem?
10 / 10

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