How well do you know the cardiovascular system structure?

How well do you know the cardiovascular system structure?
The cardiovascular system ensures blood circulation in our bodies. It plays a crucial role in the work of the human body because it supplies all its parts with oxygen. Take this test to find out what you know about the cardiovascular system and its functions!

What are the layers of the heart wall?

The epicardium, the myocardium, the endocardium

The mucous, the muscle, the cartilage

The mucous and the serous

All mentioned above

How many chambers does the heart have?





Which vein collects blood from the organs of the chest?

The superior vena cava

The inferior vena cava

The portal vein

All mentioned above

Where do you find a bicuspid aortic valve?

Between the left ventricle and aorta

Between the left atrium and the left ventricle

Between the right ventricle and the pulmonary trunk

Where does the systemic circulation start?

In the left ventricle

In the right ventricle

In the right atrium

In the left atrium

What’s the name of the muscle layer of the heart?

The endocardium

The myocardium

The epicardium

The pericardium

What is typical for the first phase of the cardiac cycle?

Atrial systole and venticular diastole

Venticular systole and artrial diastole

Atrial and venticular systole

Atrial and venticular diastole

The walls of capillaries are made up of:

One layer of endothelium

Smooth muscles

Stratified epithelium

The heart is innervated by:

The phrenic nerve

The vagus nerve

The trigeminal nerve

The sympathetic nerves

The facial nerve

The parasympathetic nerves

What makes the cardiac muscle?

Striated muscle tissue forming a special structure

Individual muscle tissues

Smooth and striated muscle tissues

Problems with heart

Judging by your answers, we can say that you don’t know much about the cardiovascular system. The general knowledge of anatomy is not your strongest side as well. Seems like you still believe that the heart looks exactly how it’s displayed in the cartoons and comics. Well, someone should tell you the truth anyway… It’s a bit more complicated. Learning the work of the cardiovascular system is important. We hope that this quiz could help you to learn more! Will your friends pass our test? Share the link to find out!

Beginning cardiologist

Judging by your answers, we can say that you know much about the cardiovascular system and anatomy in general. Seems like you were good at school! However, we noticed that you weren’t able to answer the most complicated questions. Learning the work of the cardiovascular system is important. We hope that this quiz could help you to learn more! Will your friends pass our test? Share the link to find out!

Future cardiologist

Judging by your answers, we can say that you perfectly know the cardiovascular system and anatomy in general. Seems like you were good at school! Were you also doing some extra hours of study? We can only admire your knowledge! Learning the work of the cardiovascular system is important. We hope that this quiz could help you to learn something new! Will your friends pass our test? Share the link to find out!

What are the layers of the heart wall?
1 / 10
How many chambers does the heart have?
2 / 10
Which vein collects blood from the organs of the chest?
3 / 10
Where do you find a bicuspid aortic valve?
4 / 10
Where does the systemic circulation start?
5 / 10
What’s the name of the muscle layer of the heart?
6 / 10
What is typical for the first phase of the cardiac cycle?
7 / 10
The walls of capillaries are made up of:
8 / 10
The heart is innervated by:
9 / 10
What makes the cardiac muscle?
10 / 10

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