Free Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI) Test Online

Free Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI) Test Online

Alright, conflict connoisseurs, it's time to figure out your go-to conflict management style! Whether you're the type who loves to duke it out until the bitter end or you're more of a "let's all just get along" kind of person, this quiz is about to reveal your true colors when it comes to handling those inevitable disagreements.

In this super insightful quiz, we'll put your conflict resolution skills to the test with a series of scenarios that'll have you scratching your head and wondering, "What would I do in that situation?" Do you tend to be more assertive, standing your ground and going for the win? Or are you more of a compromiser, always looking for a middle ground that keeps the peace? Maybe you're the type who prefers to avoid conflict altogether, hoping it'll just go away on its own. No matter your natural inclination, this quiz is about to shine a light on your conflict management M.O. and show you how you can use your unique style to navigate those tricky interpersonal situations.

Ready to uncover your conflict resolution superpower? Click the button below to take the quiz and get ready to handle those disagreements like a pro!

My usual behavior in a conflict situation:

I give people the chance to take responsibility for choosing the possible solution.

Instead on focusing on things we disagree, I choose to pay attention on the things we agree on.

My usual behavior in a conflict situation:

I try to find a compromise.

I try to come to an agreement, taking the interests of both sides into account.

My usual behavior in a conflict situation:

I keep insisting on my point of view.

I try to calm my opponent down and keep our relationship.

My usual behavior in a conflict situation:

I try to find a compromise.

I might sacrifice my own interests for the interests of another person.

My usual behavior in a conflict situation:

When dealing with a conflict situation, I am always looking for support of another person.

I try to do anything to avoid a useless tension.

My usual behavior in a conflict situation:

I try to avoid any problems for me.

I try to insist on my point of view.

My usual behavior in a conflict situation:

I try to delay dealing with a conflict, so I can come back to it later.

I think that it’s better to give up one thing, if you can achieve results in something else.

My usual behavior in a conflict situation:

Usually I try to insist on my point of view and get what I want.

The first thing I usually do is defining the matters that are related to the conflict.

My usual behavior in a conflict situation:

I think that a person shouldn’t be always worried about disagreements.

I put efforts to get what I want.

My usual behavior in a conflict situation:

I make lots of efforts to get what I want.

I try to find a compromise.

My usual behavior in a conflict situation:

The first thing I usually do is defining the questions that are related to the conflict.

I try to calm my opponent down and keep our relationship.

My usual behavior in a conflict situation:

I try to avoid taking a position that might provoke conflicts.

I give another person a possibility to stick to his views, if he is ready to meet me halfway.

My usual behavior in a conflict situation:

I suggest the position that’s good for both of us.

I insist on the things being my way.

My usual behavior in a conflict situation:

I share my arguments and listen to the position of my opponent.

I try to prove the logic and advantages of my opinion.

My usual behavior in a conflict situation:

I try to calm my opponent down and keep our relationship.

I do everything to avoid tension.

My usual behavior in a conflict situation:

I try to avoid hurting another person’s feelings.

I try to prove the advantages of my opinion.

My usual behavior in a conflict situation:

I insist on the things being my way.

I try to do anything to avoid useless tension.

My usual behavior in a conflict situation:

I give another person a possibility to prove he’s right, if it makes him happy.

I give another person a possibility to stick to his views, if he is ready to meet me halfway.

My usual behavior in a conflict situation:

The first thing I usually do is defining the questions and matters that are related to the conflict.

I try to delay dealing with a conflict, so I can come back to it later.

My usual behavior in a conflict situation:

I try to deal with disagreements as fast as possible.

I try to find the best combination of losses and benefits for each side.

My usual behavior in a conflict situation:

I try to be attentive to desires of another person when making arguments.

I believe in bold discussion of all the questions, and mutual work on coming to an agreement.

My usual behavior in a conflict situation:

I try to find a position that will be in-between my own views and the position of another person.

I stand by my desires.

My usual behavior in a conflict situation:

As a rule, I am worried about pleasing the desired of both sides.

I give people the chance to take responsibility for choosing the possible solution.

My usual behavior in a conflict situation:

I will try to meet my opponent halfway, if his position seems to be important.

I try to make another person to come to an agreement.

My usual behavior in a conflict situation:

I try to prove the logic and advantages of my opinion.

I try to be attentive to desires of another person when making arguments.

My usual behavior in a conflict situation:

I suggest the position that’s good for both of us.

Most of the times, I am worried to please the desired of both sides.

My usual behavior in a conflict situation:

I try to avoid taking a position that might provoke conflicts.

I give another person a possibility to prove he’s right, if it makes him happy.

My usual behavior in a conflict situation:

Usually I try to insist on getting what I want.

When dealing with a conflict situation, I am always looking for support of another person.

My usual behavior in a conflict situation:

I suggest the position that’s good for both of us.

I think that a person shouldn’t be always worried about disagreements.

My usual behavior in a conflict situation:

I try to avoid hurting another person’s feelings.

I always take the position that allows me and opponent to reach success and to come to an agreement together.


As a rule, competing involves an active insisting on your own views and possible outcomes that are beneficial for you. Sometimes, this position can be great. For example, when the decision will result in advantages for many people (not just one or a few), or when this decision sounds reasonable. Competing is often used when a person has no time to argue or prove his position. It’s a good choice in the extreme and dangerous situations when there’s no time to argue, because lack of any decision at all can lead to dreadful outcomes. What about your friends? Share this link to learn about their conflict types!


Collaborating is the most effective and intelligent way to behave in a conflict. However, it works when both sides are willing to take positions of each other into account. It also works when each side is looking at his opponent, like at the ally that can help to come to a right decision, not like at the enemy that should be destroyed by any means. What about your friends? Share this test to learn about their conflict type!


Quite often both opponents are ready to partially sacrifice their interests and manage the conflict without starting an actual war, where only one person can survive. Thus, people are ready to forgive their opponents, to stop insisting on something, and even to admit that their opponent is somehow right. Compromising is a highly effective method, especially when both sides realize that they are equally right, although their views contradict. And they find the only solution possible: to be satisfied with a third position, which might be a temporary outcome, and don’t lose the whole war. What about your friends? Share this test to learn their conflict style!


Avoiding can be called an escape from the problem, when one of the sides tries to get rid of the conflict with minimal losses and actions. Usually, this style is used after several failed attempts to prove you’re right. In this case, conflict remains, but disappears for a certain amount of time or even forever. Avoiding is a correct and useful reaction to a long-lasting conflict. Another situation when person can avoid conflicting is the intention to wait, to think of the winning strategy or the lack of desire to solve the problem at all, lack of time and strength to keep going. In this case, the opponent might make the decision for himself. What about your friends? Share this link to learn about their conflict style!


Accommodating appears when one of the sides voluntarily or forcibly refuses to keep fighting. In this case, a person fully or partially give up his position. For example, it happens when a person understands that he wasn’t right, when he’s dependent on his opponent, when the problem is not that significant, or when he wants to keep good relationships with the opponent. Moreover, it’s a good strategy when a person has already suffered from this conflict and wants to avoid more losses, when there’s a high chance to face a negative outcome, or the third person is being involved. The main reason why people use avoiding is the loss of chances to win the fight. What about your friends? Share this test to learn more about them!

My usual behavior in a conflict situation:
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My usual behavior in a conflict situation:
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My usual behavior in a conflict situation:
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My usual behavior in a conflict situation:
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My usual behavior in a conflict situation:
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My usual behavior in a conflict situation:
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My usual behavior in a conflict situation:
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My usual behavior in a conflict situation:
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My usual behavior in a conflict situation:
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My usual behavior in a conflict situation:
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My usual behavior in a conflict situation:
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My usual behavior in a conflict situation:
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My usual behavior in a conflict situation:
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