Test Your Knowledge on the Explosive Prague Spring of 1968 - How Much Do You Really Know?

Test Your Knowledge on the Explosive Prague Spring of 1968 - How Much Do You Really Know?

The Prague Spring was a period of political liberalization in Czechoslovakia that occurred in 1968. It was a time of hope and optimism for the people of Czechoslovakia, who were seeking greater freedom and democracy. However, the Soviet Union and its allies saw the reforms as a threat to their control over Eastern Europe, and in August of that year, they invaded Czechoslovakia to put an end to the Prague Spring. This quiz will test your knowledge of this important event in European history.

Who was the leader of Czechoslovakia during the Prague Spring?

Gustáv Husák

Alexander Dubček

Václav Havel

Jan Palach

What was the name of the Soviet-led military intervention that ended the Prague Spring?

Operation Danube

Operation Prague

Operation Red Star

Operation Hammer and Sickle

Which country was the first to publicly condemn the Soviet intervention in Czechoslovakia?


United States

United Kingdom

West Germany

What was the name of the Czech student who set himself on fire in protest against the Soviet occupation?

Jan Palach

Vaclav Havel

Alexander Dubček

Gustáv Husák

Which country was the only one to vote against the Soviet intervention in the United Nations General Assembly?

United States

United Kingdom



What was the name of the political doctrine that justified the Soviet intervention in Czechoslovakia?

Brezhnev Doctrine

Stalin Doctrine

Khrushchev Doctrine

Gorbachev Doctrine

Which country was the main supporter of the Prague Spring within the Soviet bloc?





What was the name of the Czechoslovakian secret police during the Prague Spring?





Which country was the first to recognize the new Czechoslovak government after the fall of communism?

United States

United Kingdom



What was the name of the Czechoslovakian dissident who became the president after the Velvet Revolution?

Gustáv Husák

Alexander Dubček

Václav Havel

Jan Palach

Which country was the main supplier of weapons to the Czechoslovakian army during the Prague Spring?

Soviet Union

United States



What was the name of the Czechoslovakian political party that was dissolved during the Prague Spring?

Communist Party of Czechoslovakia

Social Democratic Party

Civic Forum

Christian Democratic Union

Very impressive!

    Congratulations on passing the quiz about The Prague Spring (1968)! Your knowledge and understanding of this important historical event is impressive. Keep up the great work!    

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    It's okay if you didn't do as well as you hoped on this quiz. It's important to remember that everyone has room for improvement and it's a great opportunity to learn something new.Take some time to study the material and try again. With practice and dedication, you'll be able to do better next time. Don't give up!

Who was the leader of Czechoslovakia during the Prague Spring?
1 / 12
What was the name of the Soviet-led military intervention that ended the Prague Spring?
2 / 12
Which country was the first to publicly condemn the Soviet intervention in Czechoslovakia?
3 / 12
What was the name of the Czech student who set himself on fire in protest against the Soviet occupation?
4 / 12
Which country was the only one to vote against the Soviet intervention in the United Nations General Assembly?
5 / 12
What was the name of the political doctrine that justified the Soviet intervention in Czechoslovakia?
6 / 12
Which country was the main supporter of the Prague Spring within the Soviet bloc?
7 / 12
What was the name of the Czechoslovakian secret police during the Prague Spring?
8 / 12
Which country was the first to recognize the new Czechoslovak government after the fall of communism?
9 / 12
What was the name of the Czechoslovakian dissident who became the president after the Velvet Revolution?
10 / 12
Which country was the main supplier of weapons to the Czechoslovakian army during the Prague Spring?
11 / 12
What was the name of the Czechoslovakian political party that was dissolved during the Prague Spring?
12 / 12

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