The Battle of Le Cateau: Test Your Knowledge on the British Expeditionary Force's Rearguard Action in World War I

The Battle of Le Cateau: Test Your Knowledge on the British Expeditionary Force's Rearguard Action in World War I

Welcome to the Battle of Metz quiz! This historic battle took place during the Franco-Prussian War in August and September of 1870. The battle saw the French army, led by Marshal Bazaine, attempt to defend the strategic city of Metz from the advancing Prussian army, led by Field Marshal von Moltke. Despite initially holding their ground, the French were eventually surrounded and forced to surrender, resulting in the capture of Bazaine and his army. Test your knowledge of this important battle with our quiz and see how much you know about the strategies, tactics, and key figures involved in the Battle of Metz. Good luck!    

Who commanded the British forces during the Battle of Le Cateau?

Douglas Haig

Horace Smith-Dorrien

John French

Archibald Montgomery-Massingberd

Which country's forces did the British and French fight against during the Battle of Le Cateau?



Ottoman Empire


Which British general received criticism for the way he conducted the retreat before the Battle of Le Cateau?

Douglas Haig

Horace Smith-Dorrien

John French

Herbert Plumer

What was the primary objective of the German forces during the Battle of Le Cateau?

To capture the city of Le Cateau

To cut off the British and French retreat

To capture the British and French supply lines

To destroy the British and French armies

Which French general commanded the French forces during the Battle of Le Cateau?

Joseph Joffre

Ferdinand Foch

Philippe Pétain

Michel Joseph Maunoury

Who was the overall commander of the British Expeditionary Force during the Battle of Le Cateau?

Douglas Haig

Horace Smith-Dorrien

John French

Archibald Montgomery-Massingberd

Which British unit played a crucial role in holding the German advance during the Battle of Le Cateau?

Royal Marines

Royal Artillery

Royal Flying Corps

Royal Navy

How long did the Battle of Le Cateau last?

1 day

2 day

3 day

4 day

Which side suffered more casualties during the Battle of Le Cateau?

British and French


Both sides suffered roughly the same number of casualties

There were no casualties

Which type of terrain did the Battle of Le Cateau take place on?

Flat open fields

Dense forests

Mountainous terrain

Coastal regions

What was the outcome of the Battle of Le Cateau?

British and French victory

German victory



What was the approximate strength of the German forces during the Battle of Le Cateau?





Very impressive

Congratulations! You achieved an impressive score on your quiz about The Battle of Le Cateau. Your knowledge and understanding of this historic battle in European history is truly outstanding. You've demonstrated a deep interest in the subject matter, and your hard work and dedication to learning about this event have certainly paid off. Keep up the great work, and continue to explore the captivating world of history. Well done!    

There is still room for improvement!

It's okay if you didn't do as well as you hoped on this quiz. It's important to remember that everyone has room for improvement and it's a great opportunity to learn something new. Take some time to study the material and try again. With practice and dedication, you'll be able to do better next time. Don't give up!    

Who commanded the British forces during the Battle of Le Cateau?
1 / 12
Which country's forces did the British and French fight against during the Battle of Le Cateau?
2 / 12
Which British general received criticism for the way he conducted the retreat before the Battle of Le Cateau?
3 / 12
What was the primary objective of the German forces during the Battle of Le Cateau?
4 / 12
Which French general commanded the French forces during the Battle of Le Cateau?
5 / 12
Who was the overall commander of the British Expeditionary Force during the Battle of Le Cateau?
6 / 12
Which British unit played a crucial role in holding the German advance during the Battle of Le Cateau?
7 / 12
How long did the Battle of Le Cateau last?
8 / 12
Which side suffered more casualties during the Battle of Le Cateau?
9 / 12
Which type of terrain did the Battle of Le Cateau take place on?
10 / 12
What was the outcome of the Battle of Le Cateau?
11 / 12
What was the approximate strength of the German forces during the Battle of Le Cateau?
12 / 12

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