The Mystic Quiz: Test Your Knowledge on the Life and Works of Rumi

The Mystic Quiz: Test Your Knowledge on the Life and Works of Rumi

Are you ready to test your knowledge on the life and works of Rumi? The Mystic Quiz is here to challenge you! Get ready to dive into the world of this famous poet and philosopher and see how much you really know. Are you up for the challenge? Let's find out! 

What is the name of Rumi's most famous work?

The Divan



The Conference of the Birds

What language did Rumi primarily write in?





Rumi was a member of which Sufi order?





Who was Rumi's spiritual mentor and guide?

Abu Bakr

Ali ibn Abi Talib

Shams Tabrizi

Ibn Arabi

What is the meaning of the term whirling dervish?

A type of Sufi dance performed by followers of Rumi

A popular street food in Turkey

A type of Turkish dessert

A traditional Turkish hat worn by men

Which of the following is not a central theme in Rumi's poetry?





Which famous poet was greatly influenced by Rumi's work?


Omar Khayyam


Rainer Maria Rilke

What is the name of the shrine where Rumi's tomb is located?

Imam Reza Shrine

Ali Mosque

Blue Mosque

Mevlana Museum

Rumi's poetry often celebrates which of the following?

Wine and drunkenness

The beauty of nature

The love between man and woman

The mystical union with the divine

Rumi was born in the 13th century in what is now modern-day:





Which of the following is not a collection of Rumi's poetry?

The Divan-e Shams

The Rubaiyat

The Masnavi

The Divan-e Hafiz

Which famous musician released an album in 2006 titled Rumi Symphony Project featuring the poetry of Rumi set to music?

Yo-Yo Ma


Philip Glass

Brian Eno

Very impressive!

Congratulations on your outstanding performance in the Rumi quiz! Your knowledge of Rumi's works, including the poetic and spiritual The Masnavi, Divan-e Shams, and Fihi Ma Fihi, is truly impressive. Your understanding of the literary techniques, the exploration of spiritual issues, cultural identity, and personal experiences, and the portrayal of human nature that Rumi so skillfully conveys is a testament to your appreciation for his writing. Keep up the good work and continue to explore the imaginative and profound world of Rumi's literature, which has had a profound impact on Persian and world literature, and continues to inspire readers with its beauty, complexity, and insight into the mysteries of the human heart and soul!

There is still room for improvement!

It's okay if you didn't do as well as you hoped on this quiz. It's important to remember that everyone has room for improvement and it's a great opportunity to learn something new. Take some time to study the material and try again. With practice and dedication, you'll be able to do better next time. Don't give up!    

What is the name of Rumi's most famous work?
1 / 12
What language did Rumi primarily write in?
2 / 12
Rumi was a member of which Sufi order?
3 / 12
Who was Rumi's spiritual mentor and guide?
4 / 12
What is the meaning of the term whirling dervish?
5 / 12
Which of the following is not a central theme in Rumi's poetry?
6 / 12
Which famous poet was greatly influenced by Rumi's work?
7 / 12
What is the name of the shrine where Rumi's tomb is located?
8 / 12
Rumi's poetry often celebrates which of the following?
9 / 12
Rumi was born in the 13th century in what is now modern-day:
10 / 12
Which of the following is not a collection of Rumi's poetry?
11 / 12
Which famous musician released an album in 2006 titled Rumi Symphony Project featuring the poetry of Rumi set to music?
12 / 12

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