The Russian Bard Quiz: Test Your Knowledge on the Life and Works of Pushkin

The Russian Bard Quiz: Test Your Knowledge on the Life and Works of Pushkin

Are you a fan of Russian literature? Do you know everything there is to know about the famous poet Alexander Pushkin? Test your knowledge with our Russian Bard Quiz and see if you can answer all the questions about his life and works. Get ready to dive into the world of one of the greatest literary figures in history! 

What is the title of Alexander Pushkin's most famous novel in verse?

Eugene Onegin

War and Peace

Crime and Punishment

Anna Karenina

In what century did Pushkin live?

16th century

17th century

18th century

19th century

What is the name of the protagonist in Pushkin's poem The Bronze Horseman?

Eugene Onegin


Peter the Great

The Decembrist

What is the name of Pushkin's wife, who he married in 1831?

Anna Kern

Anna Akhmatova

Natalya Goncharova

Olga Larionova

In what city was Pushkin born?

St. Petersburg




What is the name of Pushkin's most famous play?

The Cherry Orchard

Uncle Vanya

The Government Inspector

Three Sisters

What is the name of the protagonist in Pushkin's poem The Captain's Daughter?


Pyotr Grinyov

Ivan Susanin

None of the above

In what year was Pushkin fatally wounded in a duel?





What is the name of the protagonist in What is the name of the protagonist in Pushkin's poem The Queen of Spades?poem Ruslan and Ludmila?




None of the above

What is the name of the protagonist in Pushkin's poem The Fountain of Bakhchisarai?


In what year was Eugene Onegin first published?





Very impressive!

Congratulations on your excellent score in the Pushkin quiz! Your knowledge of Pushkin's works, including the lyrical and insightful Eugene Onegin, The Queen of Spades, and The Bronze Horseman, is truly impressive. Your understanding of the literary techniques, the cultural context, and the portrayal of Russian life and society that Pushkin so skillfully conveys is a testament to your appreciation for his writing. Keep up the good work and continue to explore the imaginative and profound world of Pushkin's literature, which has had a profound impact on Russian and world literature, and continues to inspire readers with its beauty, humanity, and insight into the human experience!

There is still room for improvement!

It's okay if you didn't do as well as you hoped on this quiz. It's important to remember that everyone has room for improvement and it's a great opportunity to learn something new. Take some time to study the material and try again. With practice and dedication, you'll be able to do better next time. Don't give up!    

What is the title of Alexander Pushkin's most famous novel in verse?
1 / 11
In what century did Pushkin live?
2 / 11
What is the name of the protagonist in Pushkin's poem The Bronze Horseman?
3 / 11
What is the name of Pushkin's wife, who he married in 1831?
4 / 11
In what city was Pushkin born?
5 / 11
What is the name of Pushkin's most famous play?
6 / 11
What is the name of the protagonist in Pushkin's poem The Captain's Daughter?
7 / 11
In what year was Pushkin fatally wounded in a duel?
8 / 11
What is the name of the protagonist in What is the name of the protagonist in Pushkin's poem The Queen of Spades?poem Ruslan and Ludmila?
9 / 11
What is the name of the protagonist in Pushkin's poem The Fountain of Bakhchisarai?
10 / 11
In what year was Eugene Onegin first published?
11 / 11

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