Find Your Perfect Wedding Date: Take the Quiz to Discover Your Ideal Big Day

Find Your Perfect Wedding Date: Take the Quiz to Discover Your Ideal Big Day
Are you dreaming about a beautiful big wedding? Or are you in the 'It's just a formality' team? Thousands of people can't wait to find out the date of their Big Day; there's so much to prepare! Answer a couple of questions, and our quiz will tell if it's time to plan your Big Day!

What do you do when your friends start arguing?

I fly into a rage and join arguing

I listen to each side, but never argue myself

I try to find a proper argument, so they reach a compromise

How long do you know your partner?

A couple of years

About 6 months

A month or two

How often do you discuss family life with your partner?

What do you think about household chores and living together?

How much trust is there in your relationship?

To a certain extent. Everyone should have a room for personal space

100% trust

There's a distance between us

How do you behave during conflicts?

I keep cool. Everyone is allowed to have an opinion

I'm edgy. Conflicts make me nervous

When I'm in rage, people should keep a safe distance

Can you rely on your partner in case of unexpected circumstances?

If you want to make it good, do it yourself. A universal truth

Yes, I can fully rely on him / her. I'm sure I'll get help

I think so. Never had a chance to find out

You're talking to an old friend of yours, and he starts beefing about his personal life. What will you do?

I will patiently listen to everything he want to say

I will try to understand the reasons of his problem

Again? Come on, it's the same mistake all over again!

Have you met your partner's friends or family?

Not yet. Didn't have a chance

Oh yes, they are so nice

I've met them. Can't say we are close

Are there any misunderstandings in your couple?

Never. We can finish each other sentences

Sometimes. Yet, my own feelings might puzzle me

All the time. I feel like I'm talking to a brick wall

Your wedding day is within one year

We think that you're going to marry your special one in a year or two! You already have a loyal partner and your Big Day is, probably, planned. It's time to make your wishes true! You already have a full understanding with your partner: you share your feelings, feel for your other half and ready to compromise. These things are the basis of strong relationship! When are your friends going to invite you to their wedding? Share this test to find out!

Your wedding day is in a couple of years

We think that you're going to marry in a couple of years! You're still in search of a reliable partner to build strong relationship with him, and your Bid Day isn't planned yet. However, you have a desire to find your one and only. That's already great! When are your friends going to invite you to their wedding? Share this test to find out!

You shouldn't hurry with your wedding

Feels like you're not into strong and lasting relationship or wedding. Your priorities are your career and personal development. Well, they doesn't leave much time for looking for a reliable partner and making wedding plans. You're not ready to start a family. When are your friends going to invite you to their wedding? Share this test to find out!

What do you do when your friends start arguing?
1 / 10
How long do you know your partner?
2 / 10
How often do you discuss family life with your partner?
3 / 10
What do you think about household chores and living together?
4 / 10
How much trust is there in your relationship?
5 / 10
How do you behave during conflicts?
6 / 10
Can you rely on your partner in case of unexpected circumstances?
7 / 10
You're talking to an old friend of yours, and he starts beefing about his personal life. What will you do?
8 / 10
Have you met your partner's friends or family?
9 / 10
Are there any misunderstandings in your couple?
10 / 10

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