Take the Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale – Assess Your Mental Health

Lada Khramova
Take the Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale – Assess Your Mental Health
The Zung Self-Rating Scale is a test designed for people who want to rate their mental state. The result of this test tells you if you have the signs of a depressive disorder and how severe its state is. Answer the questions sincerely to get precise results!

I feel down-hearted and blue

A little of the time

Some of the time

Good part of the time

Most of the time

Morning is when I feel the best

A little of the time

Some of the time

Good part of the time

Most of the time

I have crying spells or feel like it

A little of the time

Some of the time

Good part of the time

Most of the time

I have trouble sleeping at night

A little of the time

Some of the time

Good part of the time

Most of the time

I like seeing attractive people, talk to them, be around them

A little of the time

Some of the time

Good part of the time

Most of the time

I notice that I'm losing weight

A little of the time

Some of the time

Good part of the time

Most of the time

I have trouble with constipation

A little of the time

Some of the time

Good part of the time

Most of the time

I get tired for no reason

A little of the time

Some of the time

Good part of the time

Most of the time

My heart beats faster than usual

A little of the time

Some of the time

Good part of the time

Most of the time

I eat as much as I used to

A little of the time

Some of the time

Good part of the time

Most of the time

My mind is as clear as it used to be

A little of the time

Some of the time

Good part of the time

Most of the time

I find it easy to do the things I'm used to

A little of the time

Some of the time

Good part of the time

Most of the time

I'm restless and can't keep still

A little of the time

Some of the time

Good part of the time

Most of the time

I feel hopeful about the future

A little of the time

Some of the time

Good part of the time

Most of the time

I'm more irritable than usual

A little of the time

Some of the time

Good part of the time

Most of the time

I find it easy to make decisions

A little of the time

Some of the time

Good part of the time

Most of the time

I feel that I'm useful and needed

A little of the time

Some of the time

Good part of the time

Most of the time

My life is pretty full

A little of the time

Some of the time

Good part of the time

Most of the time

I feel that others would be better off if I were dead

A little of the time

Some of the time

Good part of the time

Most of the time

I still enjoy the things I used to

A little of the time

Some of the time

Good part of the time

Most of the time

Normal Range

You're within normal range with no signs of depression. However, you find it hard to deal with some situations. That's an absolutely normal reaction to life challenges. In general, you're in a good mood, your mental state of stable. How would friends answer these questions? Share this test to find out!

Mildly Depressed

You are in the state of mild anxiety or depression. It might have been caused by complicated life challenges and traumatic experience. For example, family issues, financial problems, loss of job, etc. Your mood is usually lowered, but you can deal with any situation on your own. How would friends answer these questions? Share this test to find out!

Moderately Depressed

You are in the state of severe and significant anxiety. It is closely connected to depression. These symptoms might be a solid basis for the doctors to diagnose subclinical depressive state or hidden depression. However, other people might not even notice this state. You're often in a bad mood, have a tendency to pessimism, your ability to work lowers. In this case, we advice to seek a professional help. How would friends answer these questions? Share this test to find out!

Severely Depressed

You are in a severe state of anxiety; it might even point to severe depression. At this stage, people might have suicidal tendencies that are accompanied by severe apathy and physical health disorders. In this case you need to seek a professional help! How would friends answer these questions? Share this test to find out!

I feel down-hearted and blue
1 / 20
Morning is when I feel the best
2 / 20
I have crying spells or feel like it
3 / 20
I have trouble sleeping at night
4 / 20
I like seeing attractive people, talk to them, be around them
5 / 20
I notice that I'm losing weight
6 / 20
I have trouble with constipation
7 / 20
I get tired for no reason
8 / 20
My heart beats faster than usual
9 / 20
I eat as much as I used to
10 / 20
My mind is as clear as it used to be
11 / 20
I find it easy to do the things I'm used to
12 / 20
I'm restless and can't keep still
13 / 20
I feel hopeful about the future
14 / 20
I'm more irritable than usual
15 / 20
I find it easy to make decisions
16 / 20
I feel that I'm useful and needed
17 / 20
My life is pretty full
18 / 20
I feel that others would be better off if I were dead
19 / 20
I still enjoy the things I used to
20 / 20

Calculating results...

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